How To Create An Effective Lead Qualification Campaign

Lead management is what links marketing and sales together for a company. It can identify potential buyers, educate them, engage with them and when leads are considered qualified, pass them from marketing to sales. You need to ask yourself if your business is following an organized and effective lead management process because doing so can improve the results of your lead generation efforts and will contribute to more sales.

Lead Nurturing With Company Newsletters

Email has always been a widely used marketing tool and smart marketers are utilizing it in a variety of ways to nurture current leads and draw in new customers. Newsletters provide an opportunity to appeal to a wide audience and are great for blasts that go out to a diverse database of contacts. They also help to identify those ready to make a purchase and keep your company name in front of your target audience.  Be sure to include creative personalization whenever possible to entice your recipients to click.

Revamping Your Lead Nurturing Strategy

Lead nurturing has become more focused on building relationships. Sharing content and making sales pitches through online means can only bring you so far. Creating a real connection with your audience and individual prospects is necessary to get people to buy into your solution. Honesty and quality are sought after traits in the technology industry and customers still prefer to buy from people they like. Here are just a few ways to revamp your lead nurturing strategy.

Multi Channel Marketing Tips Part Two: Teleprospecting, Email, Direct Mail and Lead Nurturing

This is part two of our series outlining tips to increase the ROI of your multi-channel marketing strategy.

Marketing Your Business Offline

While digital marketing and online strategies have taken over the marketing world there are still several viable offline methods that can be used to generate and nurture leads.  This is a compilation of articles dedicated to ensuring success through offline marketing channels.