Lead Nurturing With Company Newsletters

Posted by Michael Auer on Jan 17, 2018 9:49:30 AM

Lead Nurturing With Company NewslettersEmail has always been a widely used marketing tool and smart marketers are utilizing it in a variety of ways to nurture current leads and draw in new customers. Newsletters provide an opportunity to appeal to a wide audience and are great for blasts that go out to a diverse database of contacts. They also help to identify those ready to make a purchase and keep your company name in front of your target audience.  Be sure to include creative personalization whenever possible to entice your recipients to click.

Recent Company Blogs

Providing links to your most recent blog posts allows readers to choose from a variety of subject matter and pick what suits their interest. As long as your blogs are equipped with calls to action that link to premium content gated by a form you will have multiple opportunities to convert your prospects into leads. This also helps you gain insight into where they are in the sales cycle and what solutions they may be interested in.

PDF Downloads

Anytime you publish a new piece of premium content you should include a link to its landing page within your newsletter. Along with links to new pieces of content you should include a link to your resource page so people can further explore what you have to offer.

News Releases

News releases come in many forms and you should look to publish at least one per month. These can include showcasing community involvement, employee highlights, new products, and new clients. This will help to improve or maintain your company’s reputation and add credibility to your products and services.

Current Event Links

These provide entertainment to your recipients and will encourage them to open your newsletter each month. You can include links to major sporting events, industry conferences and general world news. Doing so will encourage your readers and the company’s that host those events to share your newsletter, thus increasing the reach of your content.


Video has become extremely popular and is more likely to be shared through social channels than traditional content. Ideas for creating videos include interviews with managers or clients, humorous industry takes as well as recorded webinars or podcasts. Since many email servers reject messages that contain video it is best to include an image with a play button linked to the video.

Founded in 1990, Winn Technology Group is a leading provider of global, multi-channel marketing solutions for the technology industry.   For both direct and channel sales, Winn supports demand creation, account-based marketing, channel management, digital marketing, social media, teleprospecting, lead nurturing, event marketing, database services, and inbound response management.Click Here to Schedule Your Free Inbound Marketing Assessment

Topics: Lead Nurturing