Multi Channel Marketing Tips Part Two: Teleprospecting, Email, Direct Mail and Lead Nurturing

Posted by Michael Auer on May 2, 2017 8:16:52 AM

Multi Channel Marketing Tips Part Two: Teleprospecting, Email, Direct Mail and Lead NurturingThis is part two of our series outlining tips to increase the ROI of your multi-channel marketing strategy.


Teleprospectingis still a viable marketing strategy and perhaps the best way to truly qualify a lead.  Even the best contact lists have their flaws and the more you know about the individuals and companies you are contacting the better chance your message will resonate with them.  This should include researching all aspects of their company website and social channels.  In depth online research allows you to better identify proper targets and their areas of need.  Knowing who to contact and how their company can directly benefit from your services will provide you the information needed to tailor your sales pitch specifically for them.  Develop a checklist of key indicators that determine where your company stands to help them.  Capture data including company size, team members and contact information.  Proper research will make your presentation more concise and organized.


Email newsletters have long been a great way to communicate with clients and prospects on a consistent basis.  While the main purpose has been spreading information and keeping your company in front of your target audience, they are being uses more and more as a lead generation tool.  With a diverse selection of content they can reach a wide range of decision makers as well as prospects at different stages of the sales funnel.  Newsletters provide an opportunity to appeal to a wide audience and are great for blasts that go out to a diverse database of contacts.  They help to bring in new leads, identify those ready to make a purchase and keep your company name in front of your target audience.

Direct Mail

To ensure your best return on investment an account based marketing approach is ideal for direct mail campaign.  Narrowing your focus to decision makers and influencers that directly affect purchasing decisions within specific companies or verticals will maximize the effectiveness of your campaign.  The companies you choose to target should fit specific buyer personas and be comprised of your greatest revenue opportunities.  Personalization is instrumental in all aspects of marketing these days and direct mail in particular is ineffective without it.  Your prospect’s name, company name and branding should be prominent on your mailer to peak their interest.  Content should be written in a way that speaks to the individual prospect’s line of business and job responsibilities. 

Lead Nurturing

When a prospect has downloaded a piece of your content or responded to an offer, you’ll want to immediately place them into a lead nurturing campaign that will set expectations from your company.  You’ll want to ensure that the content you follow up with aligns with the type of content they downloaded.  Once you’ve developed a relationship with a prospect, it is important that you keep your company in the forefront of their search for a solution.  Since some sales cycles can be lengthy, you’ll want to set up a workflow that will engage them regularly so that when it comes time for a buying decision, yours will be the company they turn to.CONTACT WINN TECHNOLOGY GROUP US

Topics: Lead Nurturing, Email Marketing