Winn Demand Blog 2017 Year In Review

Posted by Michael Auer on Dec 29, 2017 10:06:00 AM

Winn Demand Blog 2017 Year In ReviewOver the course of 2017 we here at the Winn Demand Blog have published articles on every aspect of multi-channel marketing while including some fun insights into how we operate. Here we’ve chosen one blog from each month to highlight our 2017 efforts.


10 Types of Social Media Posts That Drive Engagement

If generating leads is the primary objective of social media marketing, engagement is the driving force behind doing so. Each post represents an opportunity to drive visitors to your website and open the lines of communication. Every click, follow, like or share is essentially the beginning of a conversation, whether it be by direct means or through information sharing. 


Inbound Marketing Strategy: Educate, Engage and Entertain

In the current digital age, content creation should be a primary focus of your inbound marketing efforts. It’s equally important to understand that it cannot stand alone. In order for content to have the desired effect and yield results it needs to be used in conjunction with a variety of different marketing tactics.


Content Distribution Channels And Techniques

Once you’ve written a quality piece of content your attention should turn immediately to how you’re going to get it in the hands of your target audience. There are many different channels you can distribute your content through and becoming familiar with your buyer personas will allow you to identify the best way to reach them. Not everyone consumes content the same way and most people seek out a variety of channels to gather information.


What To Consider When Rebranding Your Company

When marketing campaigns become less successful and a company becomes stale it may mean it’s time to make an overhaul and rebrand your business. In other cases an event such as an expansion or merger will bring about the need for a rebranding effort. While there is a lot of work involved with rebranding a business it can breathe new life into your company and breed a whole new customer base.


7 Challenges Marketers Face In 2017

The world of marketing is constantly changing and an evolution towards digital media has led to several new challenges. While many of the goals have remained the same, the means to reach your desired results have changed. Customer centric business models have taken hold and marketers need to adapt their strategies to reach today’s prospects.


Email Marketing Statistics To Guide Your Next Campaign

Email marketing is still a vital tool for those in the B2B realm and periodically evaluating your strategy will help your campaigns become more effective. Taking a look into detailed statistics will help you to uncover and identify deficiencies within your campaigns.


10 Tips To Sculpt Email Subject Lines That Increase Open Rates

There are many different aspects that determine email open rates including subject line, segmentation, data quality and timing. The most forward facing, and perhaps most important of these, is your subject line. Creating an eye catching subject line that sparks enough interest for a recipient to open your email can be difficult, however, there are some simple steps you can take to make yours more engaging.


10 Ways To Personalize Email Marketing Other Than First Names

Email marketing personalization goes far beyond simply including a contacts first name in your subject line. Including a persons name is certainly important but in order to truly get your prospects attention there are several other factors and techniques that should be considered. 


Building Company Culture With The Fish Philosophy

Building a healthy company culture that promotes productivity, innovation and employee morale is a hot topic in every business circle. Getting the most out of your team and retaining its key members for the long haul has a significant impact on the bottom line.


Emerging B2B Marketing Trends For 2018

B2B marketing continues to evolve as new technology and different ways to reach prospects emerge. Staying on top of the current trends in technology and marketing strategy is essential in any business, especially one that can change as fast as B2B marketing. Here we’ve outlined a few trends that are sure to have an impact on your marketing campaigns in 2018.


7 Characteristics Of Strong Content

Developing strong content that is of high quality and in a great enough quantity is one of the biggest challenges B2B marketers face today. Content that converts can be difficult to create and often times can take several edits before a final draft can be established. When analyzing your current content or developing new pieces, there are 7 characteristics you should look for.


Empowering Channel Partners Through Inbound Marketing

Recruiting and developing channel partnerships can be a difficult and time-consuming experience. Ensuring that your current channel partners maximize their revenue potential is extremely important. The integration of traditional outbound tactics along with an effective inbound marketing campaign will ensure you are getting the most out of your channel.

Founded in 1990, Winn Technology Group is a leading provider of global, multi-channel marketing solutions for the technology industry. Winn supports demand creation, account-based marketing, channel management, digital marketing, social media, teleprospecting, lead nurturing, event marketing, database services, and inbound response management for both direct and channel sales.CONTACT WINN TECHNOLOGY GROUP US

Topics: Marketing