What To Consider When Rebranding Your Company

Posted by Michael Auer on Apr 4, 2017 8:24:05 AM

What To Consider When Rebranding Your CompanyWhen marketing campaigns become less successful and a company becomes stale it may mean it’s time to make an overhaul and rebrand your business.  In other cases an event such as an expansion or merger will bring about the need for a rebranding effort.  While there is a lot of work involved with rebranding a business it can breathe new life into your company and breed a whole new customer base.  A uniform message is extremely important and your mission statement and profiles should be consistent throughout all channels.  Here we’ve outlined some of the most important items to discuss when considering a full scale rebranding initiative.

Company Name And Logo

Are you going to be changing your company name, colors and logo?  This can make a big difference in the amount of work it will take to complete your rebrand.  The more drastic the changes, the longer it will take to update your current material.

Mission Statement

Are the goals of your company going to change or is your rebranding simply cosmetic?  Regardless of the answer to that question your mission statement should be revamped to reflect the new energy you’re looking to infuse into your brand.  You’ll want to promote the values and ideals that your new brand will represent.

Products And Services

Are you products or services changing in any way?  How will the changes affect your current customers?  You need to be prepared for questions from your clients and be able to explain in detail what your rebranding means for them.

Website Redesign

A rebranding initiative is the perfect time to update and upgrade your website.  No true rebrand is complete without a new website.  As the saying goes, “it’s easier to buy a new house than it is to fix an old one.”  A full redesign will provide a great first impression to customers being introduced to your brand. 


All of your content needs to be audited and wholesale updates may be necessary.  If you’re changing your company name you’ll need to update that in every blog and all of your website content.  Ebooks and whitepapers will need to be updated with the new name, colors and logo.  Any inbound links will need to be updated to avoid broken links and redirects.

Social Pages

Each of your social media profiles will need to be updated with any changes.  Take the opportunity to freshen up your company description and imagery.  You’ll want to make your messaging across every network consistent. 

Rebranding Campaign

Once you’ve decided the direction you’re going to move in for your rebranding campaign it’s time to let everyone know.  Make announcements utilizing a multi-channel marketing approach to help you capitalize on the momentum of your rebrand.  Announcements should be made through social media, direct mail, email and your company website.  Be sure all of your material includes a call to action that leads to a value offer.  You may consider product trials, free services or consultations as a part of your rebranding strategy.

Founded in 1990, Winn Technology Group is a leading provider of global, multi-channel marketing solutions for the technology industry.   For both direct and channel sales Winn supports rebranding, demand creation, account-based marketing, channel management, digital marketing, social media, teleprospecting, lead nurturing, event marketing, database services, and inbound response management.CONTACT WINN TECHNOLOGY GROUP US

Topics: Branding