10 Tips To Sculpt Email Subject Lines That Increase Open Rates

Posted by Michael Auer on Jul 11, 2017 8:52:43 AM

10 Tips To Sculpt Email Subject Lines That Increase Open RatesThere are many different aspects that determine email open rates including subject line, segmentation, data quality and timing. The most forward facing, and perhaps most important of these, is your subject line.  Creating an eye catching subject line that sparks enough interest for a recipient to open your email can be difficult, however, there are some simple steps you can take to make yours more engaging.


Including a contact’s name or company name within your subject line is sure to catch the attention of your recipients. It provides the impression that this message is sculpted specifically for them. It also shows that you are trying to address them personally and provide content that will help them personally.

Keep It Short

When scanning an email box, only a certain amount of characters will show up in a subject line before it gets cut off. The amount that gets displayed is even smaller when opened on a mobile device. For this reason HubSpot recommends keeping your subject lines within 50 characters.


Position your email subject lines as a question such as “Why Does Your Tech Company Need Inbound Marketing”. You’ll want to ensure you segment your audience and research what types of questions your target audience would be looking to answer. If a burning question shows up in their email box, there’s a good chance they’ll open it to see the answer.


Emotion plays a big part in a person’s willingness to engage with any type of content. Subject lines that include phrases like “will make you laugh” or “will make you cry” are powerful as they play on human urges to display emotion.

Only You

People like subject lines that speak directly to them. A headline such as “10 Struggles That Only Email Marketers Will Understand” is sure to get the attention of your contacts that fill a specific job role.

The Number 10

By now most marketers are aware that numbered lists can make for high engagement rates and tend to be shared more often across several different marketing channels. According to Inc Magazine, the most clicked upon of these lists start with the number 10.

Deliver On Your Promise

Chances are your contact lists are going to receive more than one email from you. Make sure that your subject line clearly communicates what is inside your email. If you use misleading or vague language and a customer doesn’t get the content they expect they are unlikely to engage with future emails.

Actionable Language

Email subject lines should work similar to a call to action. Utilize actionable verbs at the beginning of your subject lines to encourage your contacts to take an action. For example, if you’re promoting a conference or seminar that involves dinner and drinks you may try something like “Dine With Us and Learn About Email Marketing”.

Sense Of Urgency

Many emails never get opened because contacts feel like they can get to them at any time. Once an email box starts to fill up, people will start to delete messages that aren’t sent internally or from clients. Including phrases like “Today Only” or “For a Limited Time” will encourage them to open the email right away.

Founded in 1990, Winn Technology Group is a leading provider of global, multi-channel marketing solutions for the technology industry.   For both direct and channel sales, Winn supports demand creation, account-based marketing, channel management, digital marketing, social media, teleprospecting, lead nurturing, event marketing, database services, and inbound response management.Download Intro to Email Marketing Ebook

Topics: Email Marketing