Email Marketing Statistics To Guide Your Next Campaign

Posted by Michael Auer on Jun 22, 2017 9:11:51 AM

Email Marketing Statistics To Guide Your Next CampaignEmail marketing is still a vital tool for those in the B2B realm and periodically evaluating your strategy will help your campaigns become more effective.  Taking a look into detailed statistics will help you to uncover and identify deficiencies within your campaigns.

54% of marketers say increasing engagement rate is their top email marketing priority. (Ascend2, 2016)

Much like social media, email engagement can be an accurate barometer for the success of your campaign.  More than half of today's marketers find engagement to be their top priority.  With that being the case we’ve identified several stats that will help increase your engagement and overall email marketing success.

51% of marketers say enriching contact data quality is their most significant barrier to achieving email marketing success. (Ascend2, 2016)

There are thousands of companies that sell email data and finding one that is accurate and reliable can be a challenge.  Researching several companies and acquiring sample lists will help you choose the best option for your business.  Additionally, building lists through inbound marketing efforts can be the best way to compile accurate and highly targeted lists.

Segmented and targeted emails generate 58% of all revenue. (The Direct Marketing Association, 2015)

Segmenting your audience to ensure you are only sending relevant information to each demographic will help increase your results and limit those who unsubscribe.  Putting useless information or content that doesn’t align with a contact’s job function is a sure way to make your email campaigns fail.

The open rate for emails with a personalized message was 17.6%, compared to 11.4% without personalization. (Statista, 2014)

Personalization is all the rage in the marketing world and is perhaps most important when it comes to email.  Including a person’s name and company name within your subject lines will help to get their attention.  You also want to avoid a purely “form” email.  Your biggest targets and those that have shown some interest should receive a personalized message that serves to educate or help the potential client in some way.

78% of consumers have unsubscribed from emails because a brand was sending too many emails. (HubSpot, 2016)

Unless you have already established a line of communication with a prospect it’s a good idea to limit your emails to twice per month.  Continuously sending someone the same information and masking it as if you’ve already spoken to them will only serve to upset your audience.

86% of consumers would like to receive promotional emails from companies they do business with at least monthly, and 15% would like to get them daily. (Statista, 2015)

Once a prospect has become a client it’s important to nurture them on a regular basis.  You’ll want to send promotions for additional products and services that they may not be taking advantage of.  Since you’re already doing business with them there is already a trust established.  That trust will make for higher open rates and engagement.  Sending out monthly email newsletters that include promotions, blog recaps and news releases is another great way to increase your business with current customers. (Statistics Source: HubSpot)

Founded in 1990, Winn Technology Group is a leading provider of global, multi-channel marketing solutions for the technology industry.   For both direct and channel sales, Winn supports demand creation, account-based marketing, channel management, digital marketing, social media, teleprospecting, lead nurturing, event marketing, database services, and inbound response management.  

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Topics: Email Marketing