Courtney Lawson

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6 Things To Remember This Memorial Day

Memorial Day is so much more than a 3 day holiday weekend to be celebrated with get together’s and BBQs. While the festivities are fun, Memorial Day is a time to remember the men and women that have sacrificed their lives for our country. Here are a few facts about Memorial Day that you may not have known.

How To Market Your Company With Your Existing Social Skills

 Having a limited marketing budget used to mean you had a limited marketing reach. However, in the age of digital marketing, things are different. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn can be used to market without spending a ton. If you already use social media regularly, you can use those skills to help market your company.

How To Blog: Content Writing For Beginners

Did you know that more than 2 million blogs are written every day? With that much content being written and regurgitated, it’s hard to know where to start when it comes to writing original content of your own. Whether you are just starting out your business blog, or looking for a way to make it better and more cohesive, here is a brief how to for blogging with the purpose of content marketing.

Teleprospecting In The Digital Age


It goes without saying that Teleprospecting has changed with the broadening of the digital world. People are on their phones more than ever, but less interested in conversing on the phone. With the increased difficulty in Teleprospecting in recent years, it is important to make sure your campaign is well thought out and targeted for your desired outcome. Here are a few ways to make sure your campaign is successful.

8 Ways To Guarantee Your Marketing Event Is A Success

Events and trade shows are a great way to network with multiple businesses in all sectors, learn from your peers, get some great brand exposure and even sell your products and services. Many organizations rely on trade shows as a way to promote new products, educate prospects and take advantage of face-to-face meetings. In order to get the most out of your trade show experience we’ve compiled a list to help you make sure your next event or trade show is a success.