When marketing in the digital age, you may start to feel a little lost. Everyone is advertising digitally and competing for the same 10-second attention span. Standing out and making a name for yourself and your company has never been more important. We have compiled a list of a few ways you can stand out with your digital marketing plan.
Courtney Lawson
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On March 17th, eager to celebrate and with fears of being pinched, millions of people will dress up in their green garb to celebrate St. Patrick’s day. St. Patrick’s day is the feast of the patron saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick who died on March 17th 461. While you may know that corned beef and cabbage are popular Irish traditions for this day, here are a few St. Patrick’s day facts that may surprise you.
Social media marketing in the digital age is a huge component when it comes to reaching your target audience. When it comes to executing a flawless social media marketing plan, an audit of what you currently have is vital. Taking note of what you are currently doing and indicating what is and what is not working is an important part of creating a solid strategy moving forward. If you aren’t marketing or tech savvy you are probably wondering what a social media audit is. A social media audit is a series of steps taken to evaluate and optimize a business's social media profiles and strategies. Performing a social media audit can help a businesses stay on top of their online presence.