Giving back to help others in need is such a wonderful thing to do personally and through your business this time of year, this year particularly. Many charitable organizations are struggling with fewer donations than they usually receive, as well as having a greater need and strain put on charities that help low-income families and the homeless. Here are a few charities you and your business can help support this holiday season if you are able.
Courtney Lawson
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This is an area that can be so overwhelming to pick just one strategy and set priorities. When it comes to anything in your company, you do not want to waste time and money. So, what is it that actually works when it comes to digital marketing, and how does it all work? As marketing evolves with the times and as technology offers new ways to reach your target audience, the following strategies will stay true in delivering results.
Through-out life, you have interacted with people on almost a daily basis, manifesting your strengths in social skills. This is something, if used properly, can catapult your companies marketing abilities. The fun part about this is you get to utilize yourself! Just focus on your strengths and what you enjoy doing, maybe invite other personalities within your business to compliment. With that said, I have a few ways to make the most of utilizing your company’s already existing social skills.
Marketing has always been a challenging and sometimes stressful profession but add in the current landscape and those challenges have multiplied. Even for the marketer that loves their job a good laugh now and then can brighten your day. Here are 12 B2B marketing jokes that are sure to get a smile. Enjoy!