How To Market Your Company With Existing Social Skills

Posted by Courtney Lawson on Oct 19, 2020 11:26:34 AM

How To Market Your Company With Existing Social SkillsThrough-out life, you have interacted with people on almost a daily basis, manifesting your strengths in social skills. This is something, if used properly, can catapult your companies marketing abilities. The fun part about this is you get to utilize yourself! Just focus on your strengths and what you enjoy doing, maybe invite other personalities within your business to compliment. With that said, I have a few ways to make the most of utilizing your company’s already existing social skills.

Identify Strengths

This will take some time to reflect and notice what you are good at and what you are not. At moments it will seem awkward and unrewarding, but this is the first step to make sure the plan you put forward yields actual results. Do this with your entire team and seek their feedback on it as well. Since this is where your social skills will most significantly impact your marketing, it is best to seek any type of feedback possible. Once you have narrowed in on your strengths, take a look at what you enjoy most. If it is meeting people in person and having a one-on-one conversation, let that guide you on how you set up business meetings. If you prefer it, be in a much more business formal setting because you like the ability to display metrics or anything to that nature start there. Strengths matched with something you or your team enjoys will promote your business better than any tv ad may convey.


Within your company, of course, you may have a melting pot of personalities, and that is a fantastic thing to have. New ideas and different perspectives will shine light on ideas you may never have come up with. So, take the time to pair either yourself or others up in teams and see what they come up with. Initially, you want to look at who compliments who much like if you are great with numbers but are a little shy pair up with someone who is outgoing but may lack where you thrive. The teams you build within your company playing on existing social skills will empower you and your employees, unlike any team-building trip can. This will positively impact your ability to market your company.

Build Relationships Not Sales

Too often, we are looking for immediate results that we quantify as growth, but that’s just a quick snapshot, and too soon, we are looking for more. Much like posting something to social media, we instantly look at the foot traffic it made or how many likes it has received. When interacting with a potential customer or client, use your strengths to build the relationship and not look for an instant sale. While the instant gratification is nice and to see money come in is the goal. You will see when building a relationship, you are not only marketing using your social skills but creating a tie to your company. Therefore that relationship will pay off long term since they feel a connection to your business.

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