Benefits Of Hosting A Co-Branded Webinar

Putting together and hosting a co-branded webinar takes a lot of time and planning to make it successful. For a co-branded webinar, it is important to find a topic for the webinar that utilizes the expertise of each participating partner in a clear and concise manner. Let each partner speak about their area of expertise on the webinar for a short amount of time.

10 Of Our Favorite Tech Jokes

Working in the technology and tech marketing industries can be stressful. Studies have shown that laughter reduces stress, improves memory, and enhances your immune system. These are critical to success in the business world and even more so in the tech industry. Here we’ve compiled 10 of our favorite technology jokes to help take the edge off.

Importance Of Providing Branded Content, Especially For Smaller Partners

Market Development Funds are often under-utilized or not used at all. There are many reasons for this, but one of the primary reasons is that many, if not most, partners do not have digital marketing experience, nor are they equipped with the appropriate tools and techniques to truly exploit digital marketing or even apply for the available market development funds.

Marketing Your B2B Brand In The Short And Long Term

In order to consistently market your B2B brand, you need a good mix of short and long-term initiatives to create a consistent pipeline. This involves implementing a multi-channel approach that blends both digital and traditional tactics. A comprehensive marketing plan includes a long-term strategy to build SEO and online presence through consistent content creation and distribution and short-term outreach campaigns geared toward specific audiences. Here we take a look at how to market your B2B brand consistently.

Measuring The Success Of Your Digital Marketing Campaigns

Even with all of the metrics that can be obtained through digital marketing software, it can still be challenging to establish a clear ROI. To measure success, you'll need to track various statistics throughout your digital campaigns. Here are 10 of the most important statistics you will want to monitor.