In order to carry out a truly successful digital marketing campaign, you need to leverage several channels. When speaking on the topic of multi-channel marketing, many believe they’re implementing this strategy by simply using a couple of tactics like email and teleprospecting. The reality is that you need to come a bit closer to an omni-channel model in order to reap the true benefits of digital marketing. You may have a database of a thousand companies that you want to go after, and every one of them has multiple contacts that you need to get on board to ultimately make a sale. Each of those contacts may have a different channel they prefer to get their information from and each will have different topics and approaches that resonate with them. This makes it imperative that you develop a long-term strategy to touch each of your prospects in a variety of ways. Here we’ll dive into some of the major channels and tactics that should be implemented to craft an effective digital marketing campaign.
Managing a channel ecosystem is tough work and providing your partners with the support they need to be successful is an ongoing process. Each partner will have different needs and shortcomings. As a channel manager it is imperative that you treat each of your partners as individuals and support them accordingly. Here we take a look at how to make marketing easy for your channel partners.
Acquiring quality data has always been a challenge for B2B marketers. People change jobs, businesses merge and lists degrade. All of this can make finding the right contacts at the right company extremely difficult. Additionally, reaching out to a cold prospect list can be extremely inefficient. Intent data provides you with contacts that have at least shown some kind of interest in what you offer. Here we take a look at what intent data is, both first and third party, as well as its value to B2B marketers.
I would venture to say that most people that call marketing their profession are there for a reason, they love it. Sure, some people are in it for the money, but let’s face it, we wouldn’t be in this business if it wasn’t so much fun. There are so many aspects of marketing that make it exciting, challenging and, ultimately, satisfying. Let’s take a look at our top five.
With the majority of us marketers still working from home, making sure your home office is equipped in a way that allows you to be comfortable and productive should be a top priority. Some of the technology out there these days is quite amazing. Even office furniture has turned high-tech. Here we take a look at some of the upgrades you can make to the basic necessities of your home office.