How To Craft An Effective Digital Marketing Campaign

Posted by Michael Auer on Apr 6, 2021 11:08:41 AM

How To Craft An Effective Digital Marketing CampaignIn order to carry out a truly successful digital marketing campaign, you need to leverage several channels. When speaking on the topic of multi-channel marketing, many believe they’re implementing this strategy by simply using a couple of tactics like email and teleprospecting. The reality is that you need to come a bit closer to an omni-channel model in order to reap the true benefits of digital marketing. You may have a database of a thousand companies that you want to go after, and every one of them has multiple contacts that you need to get on board to ultimately make a sale. Each of those contacts may have a different channel they prefer to get their information from and each will have different topics and approaches that resonate with them. This makes it imperative that you develop a long-term strategy to touch each of your prospects in a variety of ways. Here we’ll dive into some of the major channels and tactics that should be implemented to craft an effective digital marketing campaign.

Articles Discussing Pain Points And Their Solutions

Blog articles that discuss the major pain points that your prospects experience and explaining how your products or services provide the solution will help you bring in top of the funnel leads. These articles should be purely educational and aimed at helping the prospect understand their issue and how to resolve it. Include a call to action on each article that leads to a landing page housing a piece of premium content. If your article has done its job in enticing the prospect to learn more, they are likely to click your CTA and download your premium piece.

Social Media Posts That Humanize Your Brand

Branding is far more important in the sales process than many give it credit for. The hesitation to invest in it stems from the lack of KPIs that can attribute a sale to the branding process. That doesn’t make it any less vital to your campaigns. Social posts that humanize your brand while educating and entertaining your audience will help prospects build a connection with your business. The relationship and trust that comes from branding makes marketing and sales much easier because prospects are more likely to believe what you say about your products. Never underestimate the power of a strong brand.

Personalized Emails Geared Toward Providing Value

Email is still a very effective tool in reaching out to prospects and nurturing them through the sales process. While bulk email blast can be effective in identifying already interested parties, there should be some level of personalization. Once a prospect has engaged with your business, each email they receive should be tailored specifically for them. These emails should be aimed at further educating your prospects on your solutions and the value they will provide to their business. Include links to premium content that do not require them to provide any additional information. You’ve already made contact, now is the time to build the relationship.

Targeted Advertisements With Premium Content

Paid advertising through search engines and social media can be extremely effective in reaching a large, highly targeted audience. While text-only advertisements work well for search engine ads, social media ads will require some kind of visual component. Videos and infographics get a lot of attention on social media and combining them with a strong call to action and valuable premium content can help your campaigns take off. Your ads should line up with the subject matter and objectives of your campaign. Disjointed advertisements can be harmful to your brand and will likely be ineffective. Dedicate enough budget to your ads to ensure you’re reaching enough of your target audience to have an impact.

Social media, email, paid advertising, blogging, and website strategies should all be audited periodically to ensure you’re getting the most out of each channel. This guide will walk you through many of the questions you need to ask when auditing your digital marketing strategy.

Marketing’s Digital Transformation A Guide To Auditing And Optimizing Your Digital Marketing Strategy


Topics: Digital Marketing, Social Media, Inbound Marketing, Branding