Courtney Lawson

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What Does Veteran’s Day Mean To You?

Here at Winn Technology group, Veterans Day is very important to us. Not only do we employ numerous veterans and active military families, but we are beyond thankful for service members that have served in our armed forces and those that are still serving.

3 Essential Tactics For Your Inbound Marketing Strategy

Think about all of the time and money you invest in developing content, sharing content on social media, optimizing web pages, and running pay-per-click advertising campaigns. If you’ve got nothing in place to capture and convert your website visitors into leads, your efforts to drive traffic are wasted. Here are three essentials to include in your online marketing strategy.

10 Fall Funnies

I know it’s hard to be-leaf. It is already fall! Another year is winding to an end, and cooler weather is coming! Pumpkin patches are booming, and ghosts, football, and turkeys are everywhere. Here are some fun leaf crunching jokes the whole family can enjoy!

This Labor Day We Salute The Workers

After a couple of years that have been harder than most, it has become very apparent just how important the American worker is. With a national shortage of those willing and able to work, many businesses and industries have suffered, so this Labor Day, we celebrate those that have battled through a pandemic, working hard despite the risks and keeping their companies and this country running.

Marketing Best Practices

It goes without saying that marketing is essential for basically every business. It’s essential for your business to reach potential customers and even to compete with competitors. Sometimes marketing tips online can be overwhelming. How do you know what’s right for your business? Here are a few of our marketing best practices to get you started.