Ten Tips For Teleprospecting Success

The need and desire for a personal touch means that teleprospecting will never become obsolete.  While its role in marketing strategies has changed, there is tremendous value in regards to lead qualification, appointment setting, gathering business intelligence and event promotion.  Here we outline how to get the most out of your teleprospecting efforts.

Teleprospecting In The Digital Age


It goes without saying that Teleprospecting has changed with the broadening of the digital world. People are on their phones more than ever, but less interested in conversing on the phone. With the increased difficulty in Teleprospecting in recent years, it is important to make sure your campaign is well thought out and targeted for your desired outcome. Here are a few ways to make sure your campaign is successful.

A Tactical Approach To B2B Growth Marketing

The heart of growth marketing is building brand awareness.  Growth marketing focuses on the entire funnel rather than just feeding the top while putting an emphasis on the lifetime value of a customer instead of just the initial sale.  Growth marketing requires building an audience and a following to move your products rather than focusing on selling an individual product.  It also entails a great deal of lead nurturing and marketing to current customers.  Here we outline seven key components of building a growth marketing strategy.

4 Reasons To Pick Up The Phone

As more organizations put a larger percentage of their budgets into digital marketing initiatives, it is important not to lose sight of the effectiveness of simply picking up the phone.  Teleprospecting continues to be one of the best ways to gather business intelligence, build relationships and acquire truly qualified leads.

The Best Way To Qualify Inbound Marketing Leads

Marketing automation allows you to reach out to and nurture interested prospects on a mass scale without having to employee a large team to perform the outreach.  However, converting inbound leads into sales qualified leads and customers requires a more personal touch.  Sales teams rarely have the bandwidth to manage the number of leads generated from marketing automation and at times these leads will be very early in the buying process. What’s the solution when there are “too many leads” and not enough resources to properly nurture them? Surprisingly, it’s a marketing tool that predates marketing automation by decades: teleprospecting.