A multi-channel marketing program can be defined as communicating with and attracting prospects through a multitude of online and offline sources. With potential customers having access to an endless amount of information, and dozens of ways to obtain that information, it’s important you employee a multi-channel strategy to ensure your content is reaching its intended target audience. Below we’ve outlined the different aspects needed to run an effective multi-channel marketing program.
As with any industry, with B2B marketing, change is necessary. The important part of change is to recognize what types of changes will work for the better and which ones to avoid. Trends come and go, being able to identify which trends will have staying power is essential to the longevity of a B2B organization. Marketing strategies have evolved dramatically over the last 10 years due to the digital revolution and social media. Prospects now have more access to information prior to making a sales decision than ever before. It’s important to know how, when and where to market to your prospects. Below we outline a few of the B2B marketing trends that appear are here to stay. Incorporating these into your marketing plan will be important in maintaining a successful B2B company.
The different elements of inbound and outbound marketing all lend a unique approach towards reaching specific decision makers in a targeted company. In order to create a comprehensive ABM plan that will work, you will need to outline a plan that involves both inbound and outbound marketing strategies. Depending on your industry, some of these strategies will work better than others, however, it is important not to leave anything out as your target audience may only respond to one of these tactics.
Every so often you might see or hear something about being a “fish” in regards to Winn Tech. While we here at Winn Tech fully enjoy and embrace what this means, we realize that our readers and clients may not always understand what we’re talking about. This seems a major flaw because how can someone completely comprehend Winn Tech without understanding being a “fish”. Not to worry. We’ll make sure you don’t finish reading this blog without becoming thoroughly aware of if not sympathetic to being a “fish”. Hold on to your tail fins ‘cause here we go…