Inbound and Outbound Account Based Marketing Tactics

Posted by Michael Auer on Jun 6, 2016 8:00:00 AM

The different elements of inbound and outbound marketing all lend a unique approach towards reaching specific decision makers in a targeted company.  In order to create a comprehensive ABM plan that will work, you will need to outline a plan that involves both inbound and outbound marketing strategies.  Depending on your industry, some of these strategies will work better than others, however, it is important not to leave anything out as your target audience may only respond to one of these tactics.

Inbound and Outbound Account Based Marketing TacticsINBOUND


Tailor your keywords around specific pain points your target company may have.  Create web pages and microsites that are personalized with your target company’s name.  Post content that will interest your target throughout each social media platform.  You want your target to find you, and more importantly, you want them to know that you want them to find you.


You will want your blog content to be written on topics of interest to your target company.  Don’t be afraid to use their company name within the copy.  You can take it as far as creating a blog page that contains only content that targets the company you are trying to sell.  Find information on their website that highlights an opportunity they have to improve and link to that page within the body of your blog.  Actively promote your blog specifically to that company through your website, social pages and email campaigns.

Social Sharing 

Join the groups that your target company frequents on all social platforms.  Figure our which platforms they use the most and concentrate your effort there.  Add connections throughout the company even if they are not your targeted decision maker.  Any influencers and relationships you build through social channels will help increase your odds of selling the target decision maker.  It never hurts to have evangelists within the company you are targeting that will share a favorable view of your company with that decision maker.  Setting up separate social pages that only post content directed at your target company is a great way to get their attention and also guide them to your website or microsite that you have set up for them.

White Papers 

Create whitepapers that outline solutions to your targets pain points.  Personalize them with their company name.  Outline the solutions that your company offers and let them know exactly how your company can benefit theirs.


Ebooks will allow you to go into great detail on why your target needs your services.  Focus on topics that fill a need at their company.  Showcase your expertise so that your target will know exactly what they can expect from your company before they have even considered hiring you.


Create infographics that use images familiar to your target.  Include their company name and logo.  Show statistics that highlight how your company has previously solved the same issues your target may be having.  Make these fun and engaging and be sure to share them throughout your targets favorite online watering holes.

Pay Per Click Ads

Identify what platforms and websites your target frequents the most.  Find out what they search for even on their spare time and place your ads prominently in those areas.  Personalize them to speak directly to your target company through the use of keywords and lingo they frequent search and use.



Teleprospecting plays a critical role in Account Based Marketing, providing the tools to Navigate an organization, identify  key decision makers and influencers, gain key business intelligence, apply triggers in  messaging (based upon company and buyer personas) and to establish and develop relationships with prospect targets.

Email Workflows 

Develop several email campaigns that are personalized and only sent to your target company.  Emails should include company names and logos so they know it is meant just for them.  Develop a workflow that delivers content that speaks directly to their areas of need.  Create different email pieces to target the different levels of decision makers within their company.  Write material that not only speaks to the decision maker, but that creates a bond with potential influencers.

Trade Shows 

Find out which shows your target frequents and show up prepared to meet them.  Have giveaways and information that is targeted specifically to them.  If they put on their own conventions, it is a must you go to them and have a heavy presence.  Be prepared to go for the sale immediately as this may be your only chance to meet them face to face.

Direct Mail 

Develop mailers that target all levels of decision makers within your target.  Create content that displays your solutions to their pain points.  Don’t forget to develop relationships with these decision makers through non-sales material such as birthday and holiday greetings.  Mailers should always contain your targets name and company name to grab their attention.

Press Releases 

Press releases should be distributed to the major news outlets that your target frequents.  Include releases that show certifications and achievements that are relevant to your target.  Showcase community involvement as well as charitable contributions that may speak to your target.

Print Ads 

Determine the types of publications that are subscribed to by your target.  Create ads within these publications that will grab their eye through the use of their company name.  Go as far as sending these publications directly to them with a bookmark on your advertisement.

Cold Calling 

Start from the bottom up with your cold calling.  See how high you need to go to get to a true decision maker.  Network along the way to build relationships with potential influencers.  Use them to get the names of the decision makers.  Offer to send them material that can be useful to them and also forwarded on to the decision maker.

Personalization is the key to Account Based Marketing.  Account Based Marketing is not just a buzz word.  It's a strategic plan to narrow your focus and sell your biggest targets.  Through the use of both inbound and outbound marketing tactics, you give yourself the greatest chance of landing your most profitable accounts.DOWNLOAD 30 Great Lead Generation Tips and Tricks Free Ebook CLICK HERE!

Topics: Account Based Marketing, Marketing, Lead Generation