The Importance Of Data Quality In Marketing And Sales

Automation platforms, social media, paid advertising, the cloud and countless other new technologies have driven marketers to rely heavily on large amounts of data. Finding quality data to purchase and keeping your own records up to date is a significant challenge. Employees change jobs, companies go under or rebrand. These are just a few reasons it’s important research those you’re purchasing lists from, audit the data and keep close track of your return on investment.

Recent Marketing Statistics And What They Mean For B2B Organizations

Statistical analysis is essential in marketing. It allows you to keep up with trends, refine content for your audience and determine which tactics and campaigns are most effective. Here we take a look at several recent statistics and what they mean for B2B marketers.

5 Keys To Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is more important now than ever, and a true investment of time and resources is needed to be effective. Having the right strategy is one thing. Execution is another. It’s also important to note that social media needs ongoing attention, even when an active marketing campaign is not taking place. Continuous activity is necessary in order to establish a true online presence. Having the right people in place to handle the following tasks will have a noticeable impact on the success of your campaigns.

Resource Guide For Digital Marketing Planning And Implementation

Whether you’re new to digital marketing, or just looking for some new ideas, these resources are for you. We cover a wide variety of marketing topics in our company blog and have assembled a few of our most helpful articles to support the planning and implementation of your digital campaigns.

How To Evaluate And Improve Your Company Blog

Right now is a great time to take a deep dive into your marketing efforts and determine where you have room for improvement. With digital marketing occupying the spotlight, your company blog should be a priority and primary focus of your efforts. Consistency and quality reign supreme in content marketing, but there are many other factors that need attention. Here we break down step by step how to audit your company blog.