10 Questions To Help Identify And Recruit Profitable Channel Partners

Sales in the channel have taken off in recent years and many organizations have been looking to expand their channel communities. Identifying and onboarding new partners who will be profitable can be a difficult task. Here are ten questions to help your company recruit profitable channel partners.

How To Recruit The Best Channel Partners For Your B2B Organization

Growing your channel partner community is one of the best ways for B2B organizations to increase revenue. The key is in finding and on-boarding the right partners. Identifying an ideal fit with the resources necessary to provide a positive ROI can be challenging. Here we take a look at seven steps to recruit the best channel partners for your B2B firm.

3 Ways To Keep Channel Partners Engaged And Profitable During Social Distancing

Without the ability to host in-person partner summits, digital avenues have become essential in maintaining the health of your channel community. Here are three ways you can ensure your partners remain engaged and profitable during social distancing.

Are Your Channel Marketing Priorities In Order?

A recent webinar put on by SiriusDecisions highlighted the current and assumed future priorities of channel leaders. Here we break down where channel leaders should focus their resources in the immediate future.

Using Teleprospecting And Email To Recruit Channel Partners

Recruiting new channel partners is an essential task to maintain and grow a profitable channel partner community. Using a live touch is essential to the success of these campaigns. Here we outline ten steps for running a successful channel partner recruiting campaign using teleprospecting and email.