Creating A Successful Partner Recruitment Plan

You cannot have a successful channel program without having great partners. To have great partners, there needs to be a well-organized, proactive, and a consistent plan put into place. When you have the right strategies, you can communicate with potential partners that fall into your brand and channel goals, which will improve your overall recruitment rate. Here are a few tips to ensure you have the best partner recruitment plan.

New Year's Eve Fun Facts 2023

New Year's Eve is a time to reflect on the past year and make resolutions for the coming year. While most people associate New Year's Eve with modern traditions like watching fireworks, making resolutions and celebrating with friends, the origins of this holiday are much older. Here are some interesting facts about New Year's Eve that you may not have known.

Creating A Successful Lead Generation Strategy

With 2023 right around the corner, now is the time for businesses to start creating their lead generation plan. By putting together an effective lead-generation strategy using teleprospecting, email workflows, digital marketing tactics, and social media, businesses can ensure they're reaching the right prospects with the right message at the right time. This will help build relationships and generate quality leads that are more likely to convert into customers. Here are a few key strategies to include in your lead-generation campaigns.

Marketing Resolutions For 2023

The start of a new year is right around the corner, and it is the perfect time to reflect on the successes and challenges of last year and set goals for the upcoming one. For marketers, this means making sure your resolutions are impactful and purpose-driven. Here are five marketing resolutions that can help you create successful strategies in 2023.

Happy Holidays From Winn Technology Group

Can you believe it is already December 23rd? It's the time of year when we can take a moment to pause and appreciate all that we have. The holiday season is an important time to reflect on our blessings and connect with family, friends, and community members. Here are some interesting facts about the season you may not know.