Having a strong brand produces the trust you need in order to draw in prospects and ultimately generate new customers. Your brand is everything you do and the way the public views your every move. Focusing attention on developing your brand is what will set you apart when it comes time for a prospect to make a purchase decision. There are three primary objectives in brand marketing.
Social media marketing in the digital age is a huge component when it comes to reaching your target audience. When executing a flawless social media marketing plan, an audit of what you currently have is vital. Taking note of what you are currently doing and indicating what is and what is not working is an important part of creating a solid strategy moving forward. If you aren't marketing or tech-savvy, you are probably wondering what a social media audit is. A social media audit is a series of steps taken to evaluate and optimize a business's social media profiles and strategies. Performing a social media audit can help companies to stay on top of their online presence.
With the unusual circumstances over the last year, keeping your sales team motivated and productive has become a sincere challenge. While many associates are equipped to work on their own and maintain a high level of productivity, others may not be so adaptable. Finding ways to keep your team at peak performance requires an investment of time and money. Here we take a look at five ways to motivate your sales team.
As content marketing becomes more essential to the growth and development of organizations, it is important to keep your posts fresh with a variety of different media and subject matter. Simply posting written articles that talk about your products and services is not content marketing. Here we take a look at what to post to your company blog.