Many large financial institutions rely on payment services to organize and streamline payments going to and from buyers and suppliers. Locating decision makers, building credibility and communicating benefits are all keys to marketing your payment service solutions. So what are the essential components needed to run a successful campaign?
Picking up the phone is by far the most effective way of marketing and selling payment service solutions, as sensitive financial conversations require a live touch. This also allows you to network through the company to ensure you are reaching out to the correct contact. Locating financial decision makers is perhaps the most difficult aspect of selling payment service solutions and telemarketing efforts give you the best chance of doing so. Strategic voice mails create a sense of urgency and will encourage potential participants to reach out to you. The phone also provides you with the most efficient way of supporting your service.
Email is a necessary part of the recruitment process as it allows you to reach a large audience at one time with few man-hours. This helps to build awareness of your product or campaign, provides valuable information to your prospects and can lend itself towards establishing credibility. Email blasts at the inception of your campaign help to build awareness and credibility. This makes your phone efforts more efficient with fewer irate prospects.
Having a user-friendly platform that allows for record keeping and analytics will instill confidence in your potential prospects that yours is not a fly by night operation. Your portal will need to be extremely secure with limited access and well defined roles for each user. This ensures proper tracking and limits potential security breaches. An emphasis on usability will be needed to ensure your portal helps to sell your product instead of being a detriment.
Discounted/Faster Payment Terms
Few customers will voluntarily rearrange their payment process without some kind of incentive to encourage them. Offering discounts for participation is perhaps the best way to persuade your prospects. Saving money has a tendency to get potential customers to let down their guard. Equally as effective are faster payment terms. Many businesses operate with relatively low cash flow, which can cause issues with expenses and the ability to scale. Offering to bring someone to net 30 day payment terms versus net 90 is a major incentive for smaller businesses.
Founded in 1990, Winn Technology Group is a leading provider of global, multi-channel marketing solutions for the technology industry. For both direct and channel sales, Winn supports demand creation, account-based marketing, channel management, digital marketing, social media, teleprospecting, lead nurturing, event marketing, database services, and inbound response management.