Michael Auer

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How To Retain And Market To Current Customers

A recent SiriusDecisions article notes, “In the world of recurring revenue, it’s hard to grow revenue as a sales leader when new customer revenue is simply replacing the revenue lost from existing customers churning. What this means is that sales leaders need to pay as much attention to the post-sale close experience as they do on the pre-close experience if they want accelerate revenue growth.” Focusing on the customer experience and developing strategies to retain and upsell current customers is key to growth in B2B organizations. Here are just a few ways to get the most out of your current client relationships.

15 Inspiring Quotes About Winter

Winter is coming soon, and with that comes the end of Q4. Here are a few inspirational quotes to help you push through the chilly months of winter.

15 Quotes About The Future Of Marketing

While marketing has changed quite a bit due to advancements in technology, the core principles that underlie the success of campaigns remain largely the same.  Here we’ve compiled fifteen of our favorite quotes about the future of marketing.

The Decade In B2B Marketing

A lot has happened in the last ten years in regards to marketing strategy and the tools being used. The internet, of course, is primarily responsible for these changes. Here we’ve highlighted five of the biggest advancements in marketing over the past decade.

B2B Marketing Bucket List For 2020

While budgets and strategies are being formed throughout the fourth quarter, consider doing something new with your marketing dollars for 2020. Here are just a few suggestions to give your marketing efforts a boost in the new year.