3 Steps Toward B2B Brand Personalization

It’s hard to argue the value of personalization in the marketing and sales process.  From the beginning of time people have known you need to build a relationship and trust with your potential buyers in order to close the deal.  How to go about that on a large scale is the lingering question. 

Diversifying Your Marketing Strategy

Relying on one type of marketing is no longer an option in today’s competitive B2B technology landscape.  Taking an integrated approach by fusing inbound and outbound marketing strategies will help you to attain the greatest ROI on your marketing campaigns.

Tech Start-Up Marketing 101

The vast majority of tech founders allocate their resources predominantly to the development and refinement of their product or solution with virtually no attention being paid to its marketing until it’s too late.  Being first to market has little value if no one knows who you are.  Building brand awareness prior to launch is paramount for start-ups looking to make an early and lasting impact.  Often times a product hits the market with little to no fanfare. Meanwhile a larger company picks up on the idea, produces a similar product backed with a robust, comprehensive marketing campaign and beats the start-up launched product to the market.  Making yourself known and building an online presence prior to launching your product will ensure your company doesn’t get crushed by larger entities.  If people already know who you are, being first to market will carry weight.  Here’s how to do it.

Integrating Teleprospecting And Inbound Marketing

Most B2B organizations have either already adopted an inbound marketing strategy or are looking to do so.  Traditional marketing tactics such as teleprospecting may seem like they’re on their way out, but that is not the case.  Traditional outbound strategies are now being blended with inbound marketing to enhance campaigns and increase lead quality.

Latest Trends In Channel Marketing 2018

Trends come and go.  What worked 6 months ago may not work today.  Keeping up with trends and being able to measure what works for yourself is integral in developing and implementing successful marketing campaigns.  Maximizing channel partner’s use of market development funds and having a more hands on approach towards tactics and partnerships appears to be the over-arching theme in channel marketing today.  Here we take a look at seven channel marketing trends for 2018 and beyond.