Keeping Up With Content Demands for your Digital Marketing

Posted by Michael Auer on Apr 20, 2017 12:56:44 PM

Keeping Up With Content DemandsKeeping up with the amount of content needed to carry out a successful digital marketing strategy can be difficult and time consuming.  Here we’ve provided some tip on how to ensure your content production remains consistent.

Content Calendar

Developing a content calendar is a necessary tool in any inbound marketing campaign.  This allows you to stay organized.  You’ll be able to quickly analyze trends, ensure you don’t focus on a singular subject too often and manage timing and deadlines.


Create a diverse set of content offerings to keep your website relevant.  Developing videos, infographics and surveys will help to keep your content fresh and give you more creative options.  This also helps you to develop more content and target prospects that may not like to read that often. Visual content is consistently the most shared through social channels and that trend is still growing.  Many marketers have been reluctant to create visual content but that decision will only become more detrimental as time goes by.  There are many types of videos that can be used to market your brand and consistent production will show prospects you are on the cutting edge of your industry.  Images are easily shared and are a necessary part of any blog post.  Infographics provide a way to keep your blog content diverse and allow for an eye catching way to display statistics.


Taking existing content and refurbishing it into a new piece is a great time saver for your content writing team.  Start with your highest performing content and repost updated versions.  You can also take high performing articles and simply repost them as is.  There are several different ways you can repurpose your dated blog content to get more out of your existing content.

List Posts

Creating list blogs that take existing ideas and break them into numbered tips or rules is one of the most popular forms of content available.  They are easy to write and can be derived from online research.  These lists contain short blurbs on many different subjects.  They also allow you the ability to link to more detailed posts that are more focused on an individual aspect of the overall concept.


Compiling answers to frequently asked questions that your customers and leads ask is another great way to develop content.  You can compile these questions and answers from your salespeople or anyone else within your organization that has frequent contact with your customers.  You can take questions that you hear on webinars and at events and turn them into a blog article that is of great use to your prospects.

Different Lengths

Great content comes in all different lengths, whether it be a blog post or a piece of premium content such as an Ebook or white paper.  As long as the information is valuable to your target audience, you should not worry too much about its length.  This will cut down on time trying to create filler and also shorten your editing process in the case of shorter articles.  Certain platforms lend themselves to micro-blogs and shorter content so even small bits of valuable information can perform well.

Use Data

You can use data trends that you notice with current customers to illustrate points about the success of the solutions you offer.  You can take this data and turn it into infographics with small blurbs that explain the numbers being presented.  You can also use data to back up points you make in your articles.

Intros to Premium

If you’ve got some great pieces of premium content, it’s a good idea to pull pieces of that content and use them for blog posts.  They also serve as a great way to entice someone to fill out a form on a landing page.


Newsjacking can be a very effective way to broaden the reach of your content and ensure your website remains current.  This is something that needs to be done in a timely manner.  You can use trending article titles, current events and popular hashtags to capitalize on high volume searches.

Evergreen Content

Evergreen content is content that remains useful for a long period of time.  Having a piece of content that can stay relevant for months and years at a time will cut down on the amount of content you need to produce.  Since premium content takes the longest time to develop utilizing evergreen content can be invaluable to marketers.


There is nothing more effective for developing new content than brainstorming.  Having your management team and other employees contribute titles and ideas will keep things from getting stale.  It also provides new perspectives on current content ideas and can greatly improve the creative process.

Founded in 1990, Winn Technology Group is a leading provider of global, multi-channel marketing solutions for the technology industry.   For both direct and channel sales, Winn supports demand creation, account-based marketing, channel management, digital marketing, social media, teleprospecting, lead nurturing, event marketing, database services, and inbound response management.  

Click below to download our free eBook for more ideas on improving your inbound marketing strategy.Are You Playing With A Full Deck? : 52 Tips To Improve Your Inbound Marketing Strategy

Topics: Digital Marketing, Inbound Marketing