Courtney Lawson

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6 Questions to Ask Yourself When Blogging for Your Business

Content is king. Blogging and having valuable content is such an important aspect to most businesses. Information is valuable, especially when a customer is reaching out for your valued expertise regularly. However, blogging can be difficult. When it comes to finding the perfect blogging niche it can be hard to decide what you want to tell the world. There are so many things to consider when deciding what kind of voice you want your company blog to have:

8 hilariously misplaced advertisements

There’s nothing like being in the wrong place at the wrong time! Every company big and small has some sort of a marketing strategy, and at the end of the day the main goal is to get the consumer to buy what they’re selling. While this works most of the time… sometimes it doesn’t go as smoothly as they’d like. Check out these marketing mix ups and have a laugh or two.


The Do's and Don't for a Fun and Safe 4th of July

We want your 4th of July to pop off without a hitch this year so we’ve compiled a list of do’s and don’ts to make sure you have a safe and fun Independence Day.

What to do about the prospects that have stopped returning your calls

We all have full pipelines, some of these turn quickly into leads, but some aren’t calling you back. This might leave you wondering what you’ve done wrong and if they’re still interested. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many of these prospects are likely still interested in purchasing, you may have just caught them at a bad time. There are a few things you can do to get these stalled leads out of your pipeline.

Sales and Marketing working together to make an unstoppable team

Sales and marketing team rivalries can hurt your bottom line. Making sure your sales team and your marketing team are getting along and working together is key in making sure that leads become clients. Here are some helpful ways to make sure your sales and marketing teams are in sync with each other.