When outsourcing your marketing efforts, it is important to do your research and choose an agency that aligns with your business goals. There are many things to consider when choosing a marketing partner and as the digital landscape evolves there are no shortage of options. The trouble these days is that anyone with a computer and a bit of creativity can start a marketing agency. Not all agencies are created equal and finding one that can provide the value and results you’re looking for can be a tall task. Here are some of the most important aspects to look for when outsourcing your marketing to an agency.
The Fred Factor written by Mark Sanborn details the life of a remarkable mailman who brought passion and enthusiasm every day to what some consider a mundane job. Maintaining a positive attitude for yourself can be difficult, let alone ensuring an entire team stays in a productive and creative mindset. Executives that lead by example and make a habit of helping the team yield far better results than those looking to take credit or assign blame. The first step is to make sure you’re not the problem.
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” Famous words of wisdom from one Dr. Seuss and extremely relevant in today’s marketing landscape. Technology has transformed the world of marketing perhaps more than any other industry and keeping up with the latest trends and best practices can be a monumental, albeit necessary, task. Here are some of our favorite places to find the latest marketing information, please share yours in the comments below.
It’s tough to be a marketer if you don’t enjoy a challenge. With so many tools available and the ease of connectivity, marketers today face many challenges that were not present until recently. While marketing technology can automate many processes and provide precise analytics, simply learning how to use all of these technologies is a task on its own. Here we take a look at some of the most common challenges facing marketers today.
Getting the most out of your team. That is the primary goal of any marketing manager, director or CMO. Since the internet has given everyone a voice, the creativity of marketing campaigns plays an even more integral role in your ability to make an impression. Managing the creative process involves working with creative people. An Entrepreneur article notes three elements needed to build creative genius in the workplace; curiosity, outward thinking and positivity. Getting there requires several steps.