The Importance of White Papers, Ebooks, Infographics and Pay Per Click Ads: Essentials of Inbound & Outbound Marketing Part 3

Posted by Michael Auer on Apr 25, 2016 8:00:00 AM

This is the third blog in our series about the importance of the different aspects of Inbound and Outbound marketing.  Premium content and infographics are necessary in order to communicate more complex ideas and illustrate statistics in a manner that is aesthetically pleasing.

iStock_000088773967_Medium.jpgWhite Papers:
  White papers are extremely influential in customer’s final buying decisions.  This is your opportunity to expand on your blogging efforts and go in depth about potential pain points and solutions to those issues.  White papers not only show the impact a solution could have on a consumers company, it also serves as a way for them to sell the decision makers on a certain product or service.  As with your blogs, your white papers should be mostly educational and provide new ideas and solutions to common issues.  White papers also allow you to gather information about potential customers.  Be sure to gate your premium content with a form that needs to be filled out in order to receive the download.  Make sure the information you are asking for matches up with the value of your white paper.  The information you gather from these forms can be very helpful in preparing your sales team for a call and also lets you know whether or not the prospect is an ideal customer.  White papers are essential for drawing in prospects that are in the early stages of the buyers journey when a prospect is just identifying a pain point and researching the different avenues to solve their issue. 

  Ebooks can be an even more important tool than a traditional white paper.  Ebooks allow you to create an interactive experience with your prospect through the use of links, surveys and videos.  They also provide an opportunity to link back to your blog as well as subscribe for future postings.  Ebooks also allow you to target more than one stage of the funnel or buyers journey.  They can serve as a guide that brings the prospect all the way from learning about potential solutions to choosing what product would best suit their needs.  Ebooks allow you to communicate complex ideas and can establish you as a thought leader in your industry.  They should remain educational as with most of your premium content, which will establish you as a trustworthy source of information for potential clients.  When a prospect knows they can rely on your company for top notch information, it will be your company they hire when the time comes to make a purchasing decision. 

  Infographics are an important part of any content strategy.  The combination of images and text allows for an eye catching delivery with the added ability to communicate more complex ideas.  An infographic can be more appealing visually to a potential customer which adds to the likely-hood of it being shared through social channels.  This increase in sharing will benefit your SEO and create better brand awareness.  When creating an infographic, be sure you are communicating your understanding and expertise on the subject your are covering.  Although the visual aspect is what will draw a viewer in, the information is what will leave a lasting impression and urge them to share your content.  Marketing can include a lot of statistics.  Through the use of infographics you are able to communicate these statistics clearly and keep your reader engaged.  Use contrasting colors and large text to ensure your ideas are communicated clearly

Pay Per Click Ads:
  Pay per click advertisement is becoming increasingly important in today’s crowded internet.  While some businesses have been reluctant to put up the money for these ads, It's important to note that you are only paying when a potential customer clicks on your ad.  You also have the ability to set a budget so that you avoid using up too many of your marketing dollars on this one tool.  These ads target your specific buyer personas and can be tailored to be delivered more prominently on the platform of your choice, i.e. mobile devices.  PPC ads also tend to show results more quickly than organic SEO as the person clicking the ad is already in the decision stage of the buyers journey.  They are looking for a solution to an already identified opportunity or pain point.  Once you have made the decision to participate in PPC, it is important to stay involved and ensure your ads are targeting the correct audience.  Research is important in choosing a PPC agency.  Be sure to select a reputable company to handle your PPC needs to get the best results.

Stay tuned for the final blog in this series: The Importance of Direct Mail, Trade Shows, Press Releases and Print Ads: Essentials of Inbound & Outbound Marketing Part 4DOWNLOAD 30 Great Lead Generation Tips and Tricks Free Ebook CLICK HERE!


Topics: Digital Marketing, Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Lead Generation