Streamlining The Marketing Blog Creation Process

Posted by Michael Auer on Jun 28, 2017 8:32:00 AM

Streamlining The Marketing Blog Creation ProcessAt this point most marketers have realized the importance of creating and distributing quality content.  Blog writing is a creative process, but developing a structured outline for producing marketing blog content can improve the quality and quantity of your blog posts.


Research the keywords associated with your product or service and develop a list of topics you would like to include in your campaign.  Each individual post should revolve around a single longtailed keyword.  This will give your piece direction and help you produce hyper-focused blog content.  Educating your audience should be the focus of your writing.  Your blogs should also serve as a means to promote product pages and gated premium content.  This will help you generate leads from your posts.


Once you’ve determined which topics you are going to focus on you’ll want to come up with titles for your posts.  It can be difficult to come up with eye catching titles that clearly communicate the nature of your subject matter.  Spend time coming up with several ideas for each topic.  Many of the titles you don’t choose can become subheadings within the body of your blog.


The first step in structuring your post is to create subheadings that expand upon the general topic of the blog.  This will help to organize your writing and make it easy to digest.  Determine whether or not you’ll use numbered lists, bullet points, different fonts or graphics to emphasize portions of your post.


Research subject matter related to the title of your post.  Create an introduction that introduces the purpose of your piece and the problem it intends to solve.  Next research each subheading and clearly communicate how it ties in to the overall purpose of your article. Cap off each post with a conclusion that includes a brief description of your products and services.


Including one or more images within you post can help its ranking and increase shares through social channels.  Make sure your image relates to your writing and that you change the image alt text to match the title of your blog.


Revise your work thoroughly to ensure you catch any grammatical or spelling errors.  Be sure you have touched on your primary keywords and fully optimized your blog to be found by search engines.  Have at least one other person review your work as it can sometime be difficult to pick up inaccuracies in your own writing.

Founded in 1990, Winn Technology Group is a leading provider of global, multi-channel marketing solutions for the technology industry.   For both direct and channel sales, Winn supports demand creation, account-based marketing, channel management, digital marketing, social media, teleprospecting, lead nurturing, event marketing, database services, and inbound response management.

Click below for more ideas to improve your inbound marketing strategy:Are You Playing With A Full Deck? : 52 Tips To Improve Your Inbound Marketing Strategy

Topics: Inbound Marketing