How To Invest Your Marketing Dollars For 2023

Although 2023 may still seem far off to you, it is only three months away. If you haven't already started your strategic planning for how to Invest those 2023 marketing dollars, now is the time to start.

Inbound Marketing Strategy: Mastering the Follow-Up

Following up with prospects and leads has become an art form but is still a very underused practice in sales and marketing. An inbound marketing strategy revolves around drawing customers in, but direct outreach is key to being successful. Many situations require prompt and continuous follow-up. In addition, there are more ways to reach out to your potential clients than ever before. Here we explore several everyday follow-up situations you’ll encounter with your prospects and how and when to reach out to them.

Social Media Marketing Success Tips

Social media marketing is more important now than ever, and an investment of time and resources is needed to be effective. Having the right strategy is one thing. Execution is another. It's also important to note that social media needs ongoing attention, even when an active marketing campaign is not taking place. Continuous activity is necessary to establish a true online presence. Having the right people in place to handle the following tasks will have a noticeable impact on the success of your campaigns.

Labor Day Fun Facts

Labor day marks the end of the summer and is a great way to celebrate the United States workforce with BBQs and vacations before the weather turns cold. While labor day has not always been relaxing, millions of Americans will enjoy their long weekend, and some will, unfortunately, have to keep working. Here are a few facts about Labor Day you might not know.

3 Ways Teleprospecting Can Improve Your Marketing Performance

Marketers know there has been a dramatic shift in how technology buyers educate themselves about new solutions. Once very dependent on sales professionals for the majority of the education process, buyers are now using search techniques, email, blogs, videos, webinars, and social media for this process.