How To Fill Your Content Calendar

Posted by Michael Auer on Jan 31, 2018 9:26:49 AM

pins-1799320_640How To Fill Your Content CalendarA content calendar is a necessary tool in any inbound marketing campaign. This allows you to stay organized and develop a path for your prospects to follow. You’ll be able to quickly analyze trends, manage deadlines and keep your subject matter fresh. So how can you keep your content calendar full?


Compiling answers to frequently asked questions that your customers and leads ask is a great way to develop content. You can compile these questions and answers from your salespeople or anyone else within your organization that has frequent contact with your customers. You can take questions that you hear on webinars and at events and turn them into a blog article that is of great use to your prospects.


If you have several posts on a specific topic they can be grouped into a recap blog. Take the title and the first paragraph of each blog, link the title to the full post and add an introduction. This type of post not only promotes several blogs with one post, it increases your CTR, which will improve your SEO and fortify your article with a plethora of inbound links.

New Angle

Perhaps your view on a certain topic has changed. Maybe technology has solved a problem you once wrote about but created a new one in the process. Taking a new angle and providing additional insight on a previous topic will help you capitalize on its prior success. It also gives you an opportunity to further optimize your post and update your graphics.


Organizing small groups of similar blogs into a series and utilizing them in email workflows and social media posts is great way to repurpose with minimal effort. Many readers will follow a series until its completion, which gives you several opportunities to convert them into leads.


The comment section on your blog and social posts contain many valuable insights and opinions on the topics your readers are most interested in. These can be used to develop titles, rework previous posts and uncover pain points you may not be addressing in your current content.

Different Medium

In many cases your content may be right on the mark, but you’re not appealing to your target’s preferred medium. Converting a video into a written blog or a written blog into an infographic will give you another, and perhaps better, opportunity to reach them.

Varied Lengths

Great content comes in all different lengths, whether it is a blog post or a piece of premium content such as an eBook or white paper. As long as the information is valuable to your target audience, you should not worry about its length. This will cut down on time trying to create filler and also shorten your editing process in the case of shorter articles.

Use Data

You can use data trends that you notice with current customers to illustrate points about the success of the solutions you offer. You can take this data and turn it into infographics with small blurbs that explain the numbers being presented. You can also use data to back up points you make in your articles.


Newsjacking can be a very effective way to broaden the reach of your content and ensure your website remains current. This is something that needs to be done in a timely manner. You can use trending article titles, current events and popular hashtags to capitalize on high volume searches.

Evergreen Content

Evergreen content is content that remains useful for a long period of time. These can come in the form of eBooks that can be used to convert visitors into leads on multiple blog posts. Having a piece of content that stays relevant for months and years at a time will cut down on the amount of premium content you need to produce. Since premium content takes the longest time to develop, evergreen content is invaluable to marketers.

Client Presentation

Taking a sales call or power point presentation that you’ve made to one of your clients and turning it into a blog is another great way to quickly develop content. This also provides your prospects clear expectations for your company’s solutions.


Create a diverse set of content offerings to keep your website relevant. Developing videos, infographics and surveys keeps things fresh and exciting. This also helps you to develop more content and target prospects that may not like to read that often.


There is nothing more effective for developing new content than brainstorming. Having your management team and other employees contribute titles and ideas will keep things from getting stale. It also provides new perspectives on current content ideas and can greatly improve the creative process.

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Topics: Inbound Marketing