Gear Up Your Channel Marketing For 2018

Posted by Erika Molina on Dec 20, 2017 12:56:39 PM

Gear Up Your Channel Marketing For 2018When it comes to the ever-changing business world, channel marketing professionals understand that there is always something new in the manner that people make buying decisions since they are capable of accessing so much information. Here we’ve outlined a few trends in channel marketing to take advantage of in 2018.

Social Media Trends

In a time that social media has taken the world by storm, this presents opportunities to create meaningful content that will build relationships with business and consumers alike. People have the privilege now to communicate with so many people at anytime and anywhere they want. According to Social Media Today, LinkedIn is still the strongest B2B platform for marketing, but Facebook Messenger is going to be another great resource with statistics showing that there are 1.3 billion current active users and they exchange more than 2 billion messages a month with businesses. Last year, Instagram stated that about 800 million people use their platform each month and Instagram Stories has become increasingly popular within the last year. This surely implies that Instagram is destined to become the go-to-channel for brands that take interest in social media marketing.

Purposeful Content

Purpose-driven marketing is rapidly growing and will be the new element to marketing. HubSpot has conducted studies where personalized content performs 42% better over non-personalized content. This is known as “smart content marketing”. While traditional marketing talks about products/services, personalized marketing content discusses topics that people actually care about. The personalized content can appear in many forms such as email, blogs, websites, and direct mail. Top marketers are 2.2x more likely to leverage purpose-driven content than their underperformers in order to create a more appealing read. From relationships to healthcare, this allows readers to fully connect to what they are reading or discussing and not just solely focus on getting the reading over with. In order to have people interested in what you have to say or offer, your marketing must have some sort of personality and heart.

Video Marketing

When it comes to presenting information in effective ways, there is the idea of video marketing that can increase user interaction. The application of video marketing is able to help marketers boost website presence and become more engaging. According to, YouTube can be utilized as a marketing strategy since it has become such a huge platform for allowing marketers to have a more dynamic way to discuss information. If you have a video that you would like to share, your could make a video popup on your website and set the autoplay option for the popup so that it will play automatically after it opens. This idea is trending and will help direct more views to the webpage. Videos are considered a rich form of content since they require an action from the viewer to click play and can be automatically set depending on your target audience.

Founded in 1990, Winn Technology Group is a leading provider of global, multi-channel marketing solutions for the technology industry. Winn supports demand creation, account-based marketing, channel management, digital marketing, social media, teleprospecting, lead nurturing, event marketing, database services, and inbound response management for both direct and channel sales. To achieve long-term success, marketers should be able to adapt to the new ways of providing information and realize it will require execution over many different platforms. There should always be a forward step made in envisioning what the upcoming developments in channel marketing will be and how to come across to the target audience.Download 7 Steps to Effective B2B Channel Marketing White Paper

Topics: Channel Marketing