Webinars can be a great marketing tool, if promoted correctly. If your webinar attendance has been floundering lately, or you’re just trying to boost your already healthy audience, try these ten tips.
Michael Auer
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An often-overlooked aspect of inbound marketing is delighting your customers once they’ve signed on with you. Focusing on this phase will help you to retain customers, upsell additional products and services, and turn your clients into evangelists for your company.
Closing deals in the B2B tech space presents several challenges given many of the products are new and have yet to generate demand. Additionally, there are usually multiple decision makers involved and set budgets that can make for extremely long sales cycles. Here we’ve identified some key ways to help your tech firm generate more sales.
We’re in Q4 of 2019 and marketing budgets for 2020 are beginning to be established. As budgets migrate mostly toward digital campaigns, it’s important to determine where you will see the biggest benefits, whether that be an increase in lead generation or brand awareness. Here we’ve outlined a few wise ways to spend your 2020 marketing budget.