Linda Lund

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Blending Traditional And Digital Tactics In An ABM Campaign

Are you having trouble reaching your target audience? Account-based marketing is a B2B marketing strategy that focuses on and targets specific companies and decision-makers in direct contrast to marketing techniques that go for broad market penetration. It is designed to identify your clients that are the best fit for your products and services. It uses highly qualified leads and depends largely on input from both your sales and marketing teams. It can be a very effective marketing approach for growing your business and increasing sales.

Real-Time Adjustment- Creating A Flexible Marketing Plan For Turbulent Times

The past few years have made adapting quickly to changing conditions the norm for businesses of all sizes and industries. The uncertainty and market volatility continues to grow. How can you build a flexible marketing plan to help you adapt quickly to real-time changes?

How The B2B Buying Process Has Changed

There is no question that the B2B buying process has evolved and changed. Covid-19 has a strong influence on how buying processes have changed and how they are likely to evolve further in the future.

Chatbots Are Transforming The World Of Digital Marketing

Artificial intelligence is completely transforming the world of digital marketing and advertising.   Chatbot marketing is the hot trend this year. Exactly what is it?  Marketing that uses a program to simulate conversations with a human user. Chatbots have been gaining in popularity and saw exponential growth in 2017.  So far, 2018 is living up to the expectation of being  the year of the chatbot.

How to Use Town Center Concepts to Enhance Your Digital Marketing Strategy

In today’s very noisy digital marketplace, it’s more important than ever to develop and nurture a platform where your company can be seen and heard. Even though we have many tools that make it easier to create a strong marketing platform, the world is more noisy. Sometimes we forget basic but important details that can cost you a lot of wasted time and effort for little or no return.