5 Online Event Ideas For Your B2B Tech Organization

Posted by Michael Auer on Apr 17, 2020 11:17:58 AM

5 Online Event Ideas For Your B2B Tech OrganizationWith the uncertainty of the coming weeks, marketers need to find ways to maintain their audience, as well as their current clients. Online events have always been popular, but there is an obvious growing need to steer gatherings of any kind in that direction. Here we’ve put together five event ideas to help you draw in prospects and maintain your relationships with current clients.

Product Demonstration

Whether you’re launching a new product or continuing to promote a current technology, product demo videos can be very effective in showing its uses and benefits. These videos should focus on ease of use and the problem your product solves. Setting these up as live events will allow you to answer specific questions and to showcase any functionality that is of particular interest to your audience.


Webinars are already very popular, but expect to see their frequency and audience to increase dramatically over the coming months and years. Webinars should be geared as educational tools to help your potential clients understand the importance of your product or service, while providing valuable information they can use to improve their business even if they don’t make a purchase. Webinars should be fun and interactive, yet thoroughly planned so all of your points come across clearly.

Netflix Watch Party

Hosting a Netflix watch party is an entertaining way to build relationships with prospects, as well as your current clients. Essentially, everyone in the watch party will have their video synched and can communicate via the chat feature.  It’s a great way to bring people together and continue to be at the top of the mind of your prospects. You may even find yourself getting referrals and customer testimonials through the chat feature.

Keynote Speakers

Inviting a motivational speaker to address your audience is another fun way of engaging your audience without being solely focused on selling your product. Since many live events have been cancelled or postponed, there are likely numerous speakers looking for opportunities to get in front of an audience. These types of events can help to motivate your audience and will surely be great for improving the reputation of your brand.


Podcasts continue to become more popular and they are relatively easy to set up and produce.  The key to developing a successful podcast series is content. You’ll need writers to continuously brainstorm ideas that will be of interest to your target audience, while coming up with a script that keeps your audience engaged and coming back for more.

As with any event, the true key to success is effective promotion. Using social media, email, teleprospecting and digital advertising are essential channels in getting the word out about your online event.

Click below to contact us to help organize and promote your next online event.


Topics: Digital Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Event Marketing