Technology changes rapidly and the ceiling for innovation will be extremely high in 2018. Recent advancements have been primarily focused on convenience, safety, creativity and marketing, and that trend seems likely to continue this year. Here we’ve compiled 5 recent tech predictions from around the web.
Tesla Moves The Car Forward
“Whether you’re an Elon Musk skeptic or true believer, it’s hard to deny the Tesla Model 3 has generated iPhone-level buzz about electric cars. Since this “affordable luxury” $35,000-and-up sedan was unveiled in 2016, roughly 450,000 people have preordered one. Now if only Tesla could make them. Significant manufacturing issues keep pushing back the Model 3 delivery timeline, but there’s a good chance you’ll see some on the road in 2018. What’s the big deal? Tesla is forcing all car companies to act more like consumer tech companies, pushing into electric and making standard such capabilities as accident prevention and connectivity. My favorite Model 3 idea: It comes with the cameras, sensors and computing power it needs to eventually allow the car to drive itself.” – Washington Post
Virtual Reality
“Virtual reality was going to take over the world. But strapping on a headset to look at games or 360-degree videos hasn't been the hit many had hoped. In 2018, a lot of that same technology could finally go mainstream using a gadget you already own: your smartphone. Augmented reality overlays digital images onto the real word, as seen through your phone's camera. Smartphones are including powerful AR technology in their devices so anyone with a fast enough device can try it out. For example, with Apple's ARKit, iOS apps can map out a room and use realistic, changing lighting to make their objects better blend in with a scene. We're still waiting for the big break-out app, but AR could continue to change shopping and selfies in the next year. No bulky face-computer needed.” - CNN
Digital Centralization
“Over the past decade, we’ve seen the debut of many different types of devices, including smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, and dozens of other “smart” appliances. We’ve also come to rely on lots of individual apps in our daily lives, including those for navigation to even changing the temperature of our house. Consumers are craving centralization; a convenient way to manage everything from as few devices and central locations as possible. Smart speakers are a good step in the right direction, but 2018 may influence the rise of something even better.” - Forbes
Motion Capture
“Yes, motion capture has been around for years, but it’s getting really good on multiple fronts. Hollywood has continued to advance mocap technology to capture subtle performances. This year’s finale of the Planet of the Apes trilogy was probably one of the best examples of the form yet, and it was fascinating to see that film’s movement choreographer, Terry Notary, perform his ape routine without CGI in the arthouse film The Square. Not to discount the work of the Apes’ CG animators, seeing Notary’s uncanny ape impersonation coming from a flesh and blood human actually gave me a greater impression of the subtleties that motion capture tech is picking up these days.” - Gizmodo
Consumer Tech Will Feel Even Friendlier
“Today's digital assistants and smartphones aren't boxy with sharp edges. They're rounded, soft, and inviting, notes frog strategist Sam Haddaway. That trend will only continue into 2018, as tech starts to play a more integrated role in our daily lives. "Hardware will start to become more expressive," he wrote, noting that "consumers will demand options that fit their style seamlessly and aid in self-expression." – Business Insider
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