What Does Google Want From Your Website?

Posted by Michael Auer on Jun 8, 2021 10:46:38 AM

What Does Google Want From Your Website?Your ability to be found through online search will have a profound impact on your business. With Google remaining the world's largest search engine, it is essential to address the factors they consider in their algorithm. While it may be impossible to know exactly what Google is looking for, there are a few factors that you can be sure of. Here is a brief checklist of what Google wants from your website.

Exceptional User Experience

The user experience has begun to weigh more heavily in Google's rankings as loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability have taken on added importance. Things like pop-up ads, mobile experience, and navigation all factor into search engine results.

Adequate Security

The security of your website will impact SEO as vulnerabilities can cause your pages to be hacked, which may signal Google to blacklist your site. While moving HTTPS may not improve your rankings right away, not doing so could hurt them in the long run.

Fast Page Load Speed

Page load speed impacts rankings as well as the user experience. Google recommends a page load speed of under 2 seconds to avoid a negative effect on SEO. Slow loading also increases your bounce rate as visitors will not sit around waiting for content to load.

Mobile Optimization

With nearly 70% of all searches taking place on mobile devices, the need for mobile optimization is obvious. A poor experience will cause visitors to bounce from your site, stop them from viewing additional pages or converting, and may cause them never to return.

Optimized Content And Topic Clusters

Publishing entertaining and educational content that is optimized for particular topics and keywords is the best way to improve your ability to be found online. Organizing your content into topic clusters that link to a central pillar page will amplify this impact in Google rankings.

Technical SEO

The technical aspects of SEO are still important factors in Google's algorithm. Optimizing your title and header tags, meta description, image alt-text, and URL structure will play a role in your ability to rank in search engines.

Internal, External, And Back Links

Including links to relevant internal and external pages and gaining backlinks from other authoritative websites are crucial SEO factors. While the first two are entirely under your control, gaining backlinks will require great content and a comprehensive distribution strategy.

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Topics: Digital Marketing, SEO