Use Teleprospecting To Drive Leads Through Your Pipeline Effectively

Posted by James Lawson on Jun 21, 2023 9:36:29 AM

Use Teleprospecting To Drive Leads Through Your Pipeline EffectivelyDid you know that 37% of B2B organizations use teleprospecting to generate leads? If you are not using teleprospecting in your marketing mix, you might want to ask yourself why. Here are a few ways that teleprospecting can drive your leads through your pipeline.

Generating Interest

A phone call is a great way to get the attention and interest of your prospects. Many times, making a call and letting somebody know about an event relevant to them or a sale they might like to take advantage of is better at generating their attention than an email that could go left unread.

Nurture Relationships

Not all teleprospecting is built on the premise of the “cold call.” Many times, especially in a sales position, a phone call is a great way to not only build but nurture the relationships you have built with your prospective clients. A personal call lets them know that they are valued enough that you took the time to personally call them and see how they are and if their needs may have changed.

Updated Contact List

Teleprospecting is one of the easiest ways to reach out to your contact list and find out who the right person is, if a person is no longer employed, if a number is disconnected, or if the company is still operating. This will help you clean out your pipeline so that only viable prospects are moving through your funnel.

Here are a few tips to help your teleprospecting efforts go smoothly.

Be Personable

Being a human is actually a refreshing quality when it comes to generating and perusing leads in the sales cycle. Sometimes this can be hard in a scripted environment, but a natural and casual conversation will let them know that you are mentally present and not just waiting to make a rebuttal. There is a fine line between being human and oversharing, so remember to always keep it professional.

Be Knowledgeable

Make sure you go into every call armed with the information you need not only for yourself to be successful but to make sure the person you are calling can feel confident in the conversation. You do not have to know everything, and it is perfectly okay to say, “you know, I am not entirely sure; however, I will find out for you”. This response is beneficial in several ways. First of all, you have not given out incorrect information, and you have also set yourself up for a follow-up that the prospect is expecting.

Don’t Be Pushy

The reason why some people are put off by teleprospecting is that some phone salespeople, and salespeople in general, have the tendency to be pushy. Being pushy and coming on too “salesy” is not the impression you want to give people who may actually need your product or services.

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