Top 5 SEO Trends For 2021

Posted by Michael Auer on Oct 23, 2020 9:36:34 AM

Top 5 SEO trends for 2021Who else is ready for 2021? Online marketing has exploded over the last six months as trade shows and major conferences have all moved to the virtual realm. SEO is only going to become more important as the majority of marketing budgets migrate toward the digital side. Here we take a look at five SEO trends that will have a major impact in 2021.

User Experience Becomes Priority

User experience looks to be the top priority for SEO’s in the coming year. Making sure your site is fast, easy to navigate and informative is going to have a tremendous impact on rankings. With so much competition in nearly every niche, having an outstanding user experience is going to be the top way to make your business stand out online.

Focus On High-Quality Content

What is considered high-quality content is certainly up for debate, but there are some key factors to focus on. Your content, whether it be a written blog, video or infographic, needs to be informative, contain statistical data, be well researched, written well and contain quality graphics or images. There is simply too much noise online to get away with substandard pieces.

Optimizing For Search Intent

Search engine algorithms have been moving away from their focus on keywords and more toward the intent of the user. This is primarily driven by the high usage of voice search these days. Rather than focusing on developing content based around a particular short tailed keyword, content developers need to dig a bit deeper into what the intent is behind their customer’s search. This could mean making a purchase, finding information on a product or researching your company.

Adapting To World Changes

These are very turbulent times and the internet certainly reflects that. Being able to relate your content to current trends and goings on in the world is going to be essential to be found and noticed online. While it may not be a good idea to go to deep and discuss political beliefs and such, piggy backing on trending topics will be necessary to make it to the top of search rankings.

Upgrade Video Marketing

Video has become an essential piece of any marketing plan, regardless of the size of your company or the industry you’re in. Developing high-quality videos that address specific pain points of your customers and how your solutions can impact them can do wonders for brand awareness and driving traffic to your website. With person to person meetings being rare during these times, personalizing and humanizing your brand through video will become a top way to build trust and relationships with potential customers.

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Topics: SEO