Top 5 Healthcare Marketing Trends of 2015

Posted by Michael Auer on Sep 14, 2015 3:44:00 PM

Healthcare-Marketing2.jpgThe medical industry is full of competition and defined with a constantly changing environment. New technologies are continuously being developed rendering older machines and procedures obsolete. This creates a need for constant training and marketing. Medical companies must strive to set themselves apart and create an image of reliability and stability that encourages trust. As with any industry, healthcare marketing is a vital component and we will analyze five top trends to help your company stand out.

1. Build Your Brand

This is how your customers and patients think of your medical company. Make sure that a well-established reputation precedes you. According to, trust is one of the main components of brand building. People want to receive their medical supplies and services from a company that they trust and which has reliable information. This is the best way to differentiate your business and attract new clientele through outstanding “word of mouth.”

2. Effective Marketing

There are multiple methods for great marketing. A company such as Winn Technology has several opportunities available like account based marketing, teleprospecting and lead generation. Take advantage of full service marketing companies as an extension of your company’s efforts or if you’re a small company let them be your marketing department.

3. Persuasive Website

Now, that many customers and patients perform an online search to find an answer for their medical needs, your website should stand out. Do not miss this opportunity to put your company’s best foot forward and capture the attention of your viewers in just a few seconds. Also, keep in mind that many people will view your website on a mobile device. So make sure that your website is optimally designed for that platform as well. 61% of global internet users begin the buying process online. Avoid being too lengthy with words but make sure that you get your point across. A section for customer testimonials is a must-have. This gives you a chance to show how your company has positively impacted others.

4. Social Media Presence

There is a reason that social media companies like Facebook are so highly valued. They attract a huge volume of viewers and the targeted marketing that they offer is highly effective. Utilize your page creatively to target your audience and get the attention that you deserve. Also, this is a great way to inform that you are relevant and abreast of current trends. Forrester Research says that eighty-one percent of B2B decision-makers use LinkedIn

5. Knowledgeable Sales Staff

This is one of the most crucial forms of marketing for your company. The sales staff which you are represented by should be well-versed in your products and procedures. This is often times the first line of contact that a potential customer or patient may have with your business. If this is lackluster, they may never give you a second chance and do business with a competitor instead. Make sure that you offer continuous training for sales along with a persuasive incentive package. They should understand that the client always comes first and strive to deliver an impeccable impression.New Call-to-action

Topics: Digital Marketing, Marketing, Social Media, Teleprospecting