Tips For Creating A Successful Email Marketing Campaign

Posted by James Lawson on Jul 28, 2022 10:21:07 AM

Tips For Creating A Successful Email Marketing CampaignEmail is still a significant component of many marketing plans, and rightfully so. With the correct list and a refined strategy, email offers the opportunity to reach a large audience with targeted messaging in a place they are likely to check multiple times per day. We could write an entire article on subject lines, and we did. You can check it out here. In this article, we cover six additional tips for email marketing success.

Use Valid Data

Perhaps the biggest challenge that email marketers face is a lack of clean data. Purchased lists can be hit or miss, and data degrades over time. Especially in a time when so many people are changing jobs, email lists are only valid for a limited time. Using data generated from inbound leads, quality data vendors, and teleprospecting gives you your best chance for success.

Segment Your Lists

Segmenting your audience is nothing new, but the degree to which you do it will impact the success of your campaigns. First, you need to determine how you'll segment your audience. Will it be by region, industry, or some other demographic, or will you be targeting based solely on businesses that can benefit from your solution? Some degree of segmentation is always needed to ensure you can personalize your messaging.

Add Personalization

Personalization has been a hot topic in email marketing and content marketing for some time now. While you want to add your typical personalization like your target's name, company name, and job title, there is more to it than just that. Your copy, anecdotes, facts, statistics, and the products you're pitching should all fit a specific buyer persona to gain your audience's attention.

Use Clear And Concise Messaging

Marketing emails are not meant to be long rants about how great your products or services are. You want to get their attention with some key points and essentially introduce an offer or preview a piece of premium content. Keep your emails short and to the point. Focus on one topic and have a straightforward end game in mind when crafting your copy. Make sure you communicate precisely the next steps for the recipient.

Include A Call To Action

Ideally, your email should trigger your audience to perform some type of action. You need to include a call to action on each piece. This should be a button that takes them to a landing page with a premium offer. This may be additional content, a free consultation, or a demo. You should only use one call to action on each piece, which should line up with what you're talking about in your email copy.

Be Mindful Of Links And Images

Avoiding being caught in a spam filter is challenging enough without using excessive links and images. It would be best if you tried to keep it to one of each and ensure your image isn't too big. Images should add something to your email copy and not just be there to take up space. Your links should be calls to action that guide the reader to an offer. When sending a single email to an individual, it is almost always best to avoid links and images, at least on your first send. This way, you have a better chance of getting through any filter or firewall.

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