The Art Of The Landing Page

Posted by James Lawson on May 20, 2022 9:35:05 AM

The Art Of The Landing PageCreating the perfect landing page will ensure that you get the leads you want, and your prospects will get the offer they are looking for. Sometimes landing pages can be over complicated and even confusing. This can turn potential leads away before they fill out the information fields or end up requesting information they did not want or need. Making sure that your landing page is set up for success is easy to do with these simple steps:

Heading And Subheading

Your main headline should be a brief description of what is being offered through your landing page. This could be something like an ebook title or the type of consultation you're offering. Your subheading should be a one-line teaser that gets your visitors excited about your offer. The two combined should very succinctly let your prospect know what the offer is and why they should pursue it. It should grab their attention and lead them to fill out your page.

Clear Description

The body of your landing page should contain a clear description of the offer that is being made. You want to avoid being too wordy but still communicate what the prospect can expect from downloading or signing up for your offer. If it is a consultation or demo you're offering, include the key points you'll be discussing and explain the format for your conversation. If it is a content download, include a bit of detail on the topics and issues you cover in the piece.

Value Proposition

What does your prospect have to gain from signing up for your offer or downloading your content? What pain points will doing so solve for them? What are the key benefits? This should be clearly communicated above the fold on your landing page. If you have any testimonials from clients who have already benefited or learned from your offer, be sure to include a line or two to add credibility to your offer.

Visual Content

The length of your forms should line up with the value of your offer and not ask for too much personal information. In most cases, simply getting their name and email will be enough for you to identify them and reach out. Asking company name, phone number, and a few qualifying questions can still work depending on what you have to offer. A general rule for lead capture forms is the shorter, the better.

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