Repurposing Content: The Do's and Don'ts

Posted by Courtney Lawson on Nov 21, 2023 2:45:38 PM

Repurposing Content: The Do's and Don'tsRepurposing content can be a great way to make the most out of your content and reach new audiences. However, there are certain guidelines that you should follow when repurposing content to ensure its effectiveness. Here, we will discuss some of the do's and don'ts of repurposing content.

Do: Know Your Audience

Before repurposing any piece of content, it is important to understand who your target audience is. This will help you tailor the content to their specific needs and interests. For example, if your original blog post is targeted towards beginners, you may want to repurpose it into a video with more visual aids and simpler language. On the other hand, if your target audience is more advanced, you can repurpose the same content into a webinar or an e-book with more in-depth information.

Don't: Just Copy and Paste

One common mistake when repurposing content is simply copying and pasting the same information onto a different platform. This not only shows a lack of effort, but it also does not cater to the specific audience on that platform. Instead, take the time to rework the content and make it appropriate for the new platform. This could mean adding more visuals, condensing or expanding the information, or even changing the tone of the content.

Do: Utilize Different Formats

Another important aspect of repurposing content is utilizing different formats. Not everyone prefers to consume information in the same way, so offering a variety of formats can help reach a wider audience. For example, you could turn a blog post into an infographic, a podcast episode, or even an email newsletter. This not only adds variety but it also allows you to promote the same content multiple times in different formats.

Don't: Forget About SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for any online content. When repurposing content, be sure to optimize it for the new platform by using relevant keywords and tags. This not only helps with search engine rankings but it can also make it easier for readers to find your content. Additionally, if you are repurposing old content, be sure to update any outdated information and links.

Do: Add a Fresh Perspective

One of the benefits of repurposing content is that it gives you the opportunity to add new insights on a topic. This keeps your content current and relevant, making it more valuable to your target audience. This can be done by adding new statistics and data, using different examples or case studies, or even incorporating quotes from experts in the field.

Don't: Neglect Promotion

Repurposing content does not mean you can skip the promotion stage. Promoting repurposed content is just as important as promoting any new content. Use your social media platforms, email newsletter, and any other marketing tactics to share your repurposed content with your audience. This will not only increase its reach but it also allows you to repurpose the same content multiple times in different ways.

Do: Repurpose Evergreen Content

When considering which content to repurpose, focus on evergreen topics that are relevant and timeless. This allows you to continue using the same piece of content for a longer period of time without it becoming outdated. For example, a blog post about basic cooking techniques can be repurposed into multiple formats and continue to provide value to your audience.

Don't: Repurpose Without Analyzing Performance

Before repurposing any content, it is important to analyze its performance. This will allow you to understand which pieces of content are worth repurposing and which may not be as effective. Look at metrics such as views, engagement, and shares to determine which content resonated well with your audience. This will also give you insight on how to improve the repurposed content for even better results.