Marketing Creativity Starts With Your Diet

Posted by Michael Auer on Dec 2, 2020 12:00:09 PM

Marketing Creativity Starts With Your DietBelieve it or not, the food and drinks that we consume have a tremendous impact on our ability to think creatively. If you find yourself with frequent writers block or unable to contribute during brainstorming sessions, your diet may be to blame. The good news is there are a variety of foods and beverages that can help improve cognitive function and get you back on your game. Here are our ten favorites.

Green Tea

Green tea remains one of the healthiest things for your body and brain, increasing the connectivity among all its parts to allow for complex thought. The dose of caffeine sharpens it further, and the amino acid, theanine, ensures it releases gradually, eliminating creativity-killing crashes.”


This one is an obvious choice. The caffeinated beverage that is a part of most of our daily lives is particularly common in the lives of the creative. Back in the 1800s, coffee was king in London before tea took over and the inspiration that came out of this era is well-documented. Coffee is a stimulant and can prompt a sluggish brain. Be careful of overdoing it. You may just end up with shaky hands and no new ideas.”


In order to think creatively, your brain depends on constant blood flow and glucose. This green fruit enhances blood flow and delivers the oxygen needed for your brain cells.”


Eggs are rich in protein, which will not only help your body build and maintain muscle, but also leave you feeling full. That means that if you have a few, you’ll stop feeling famished and be able to get back to work. But more than that, eggs contain many vital nutrients, including choline. Choline has been linked by many researchers to increased cognitive ability, and even improved memory.”


High in protein and vitamin E, eating nuts helps prevent poor memory and improves concentration levels.”


Blueberries are a superfood. They increase productivity and do all sorts of other good things. Science lesson number two: blueberries are full of antioxidants, which help keep oxygen and blood flowing to your brain, making your brain more active.”


The legends of fish's brain boosting abilities are true. Eating it just once a week increases the size of the brain's hippocampus—the learning center—by 14 percent. Thank the omega-3s, which build the gray matter that processes information and signals to the brain. Just bake or broil, don't fry—and steer clear of farmed salmon.”

Dark Chocolate

Just like wine, chocolates (dark chocolates, specifically) are rich in certain compounds that are linked to increased brain function. In this case, we’re talking about high concentrations of flavanols, which are present in cocoa beans. There is evidence that flavanols can lower blood pressure, and even help regulate blood sugar, but they also are tied to memory and cognitive abilities.”


Rich in vitamin K, broccoli helps to improve cognitive abilities. The potassium in broccoli also assists the brain in healing and improving itself.”


This seems obvious, but most of us need to be reminded of this. One of the biggest reasons we get tired in the middle of the day is from dehydration. Being productive while tired is almost impossible. Drinking water has been linked to focus and clarity, the main components of productivity. If we want to get our books written, pick up a glass of water. If we want to get our books written even faster, one study notes that drinking one glass of water could make your brain function 14 percent faster!”


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