Fun Facts And Jokes About Friday The 13th

Posted by Courtney Lawson on Oct 13, 2023 8:45:10 AM

Fun Facts And Jokes About Friday The 13thFriday the 13th is considered an unlucky day in many cultures around the world. This fear even has a name, paraskevidekatriaphobia. While there are scientific explanations for why some people might feel anxious on this day, others simply enjoy making jokes and sharing fun facts about Friday the 13th.

Fun Facts about Friday the 13th
  • Fear of Friday the 13th is so common that it has been estimated to cost businesses millions of dollars in lost revenue.

  • Some people believe that the fear of Friday the 13th originated from the arrest and persecution of the Knights Templar on Friday the 13th in October 1307.

  • The fear of this day is not limited to humans - some animals also exhibit signs of anxiety or stress on Friday the 13th.

  • In Spanish-speaking countries, Tuesday the 13th is considered unlucky instead of Friday the 13th.

  • There is a medical condition known as 'friggatriskaidekaphobia,' which is a fear specifically of Friday the 13th.

  • On average, there will be one Friday, the 13th in every year. However, there can be up to three in a single year.

Jokes about Friday the 13th
  • Why did the ghost go on a diet? Because he wanted to keep his 'boo-ty' in shape for Friday the 13th.

  • What do you get if you cross a black cat and a ladder? A very unlucky feline!

  • How does Jason from 'Friday the 13th' like his coffee? With a slash of cream and a stab of sugar.

  • Why was the math book sad on Friday the 13th? Because it had too many problems.

  • How does society view someone who is afraid of Friday the 13th? As a victim of friggatriskaidekaphobia.

  • What did one spider say to another on Friday the 13th? Don't worry, we're just hanging out.

  • How can you break a mirror on Friday the 13th? Just look into it and say 'Bloody Mary' three times.