Content Types And Frequency Recommendations For Your Marketing Plan

Posted by Michael Auer on Dec 21, 2021 12:11:23 PM

Content Types And Frequency Recommendations For Your Marketing PlanEvery marketer knows that content needs to be a part of their plan, but what types and how often do you need to produce them? That will depend on a variety of different factors. Here we take a look at the different types of content you’ll need in your marketing plan and the frequency you’ll need to post and distribute them.

Written Blogs

Written blogs are a foundational component of a content marketing plan and will likely be responsible for the majority of the website traffic you receive. HubSpot has noted that B2B organizations that post 11+ times each month generate over three times the traffic of those that post 0-4 times monthly. These articles should cover a variety of topics of interest to your target audience with the aim of being educational and entertaining.

Email Pieces

Email frequency will depend on the purpose and type of emails you’re sending. Typical marketing email blasts should be done no more than once a week. Fulfillment pieces that go more in-depth on your product offerings should be made available to sales reps and distributed as needed. Email workflows that contain several pieces that go out to nurturing prospects based on different marketing triggers will help guide prospects through the buying process.

Premium Content

The aim should be to produce at least one piece of premium content each quarter consisting of either eBooks or whitepapers. Case studies should be put out each time you have a compelling success story to tell. There really is no limit to the number of premium pieces you should produce. This type of content is what converts visitors into leads and shows off your expertise, which is something you should do as often as possible.


Video frequency will often be a result of other marketing initiatives. When you produce a piece of premium content, create a short video ad to promote it. When you launch a new product or service, a demo video is a great tool for salespeople. If you’re running an event, a highlight reel from previous events can help build the hype. Short videos that show off your expertise can be produced weekly and distributed through social channels.


Infographics are a great way to communicate complex ideas and are an invaluable tool for marketers in the B2B technology space. These pieces can be produced to show the uses, benefits, and ROI of products and services. They not only help to communicate the value of your product to your prospects, but they can also help them sell other decision-makers on the idea. Each new product or service should be accompanied by at least one infographic.

Original Social Posts

Daily postings are a necessity on social media, but the number of posts will vary depending on the platform. Typically, you want to post once per day to LinkedIn, two to three times on Facebook, and three to seven times on Twitter. LinkedIn’s algorithm greatly discourages multiple postings, Facebook has limits that could get you locked out, and Twitter posts have a relatively short shelf life. Most of the above content types make for great social media posts.

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