Adding Teleprospecting To Your Marketing Mix

Posted by James Lawson on Feb 18, 2022 10:49:38 AM

Adding Teleprospecting To Your Marketing MixTeleprospecting is a convenient way of reaching out to leads quickly and easily. Ease of contact with the right message will help increase sales and lower your cost per lead. Your marketing mix should combine all of the different aspects that make up your marketing plan. TeleProspecting is not a one-size-fits-all approach to selling goods and services. Each service will have its own unique message to get across and its own relationships to build within its sales process. This aspect of TeleProspecting is what sets it apart from the annoying telemarketing stereotype we all know. Here are three tips to successful teleprospecting:

Be Genuine

Nothing is more frustrating than having a robot call you in an attempt to make a sale. While we know when it comes to telephone work, sticking to a script is important, you can also make it personable, so you come off more genuine and helpful, more human. This will help you be more successful when reaching out over the phone.

Master The Follow-Up

The original point of contact does not have to be a phone call for TeleProspecting to work. Sometimes following up on other contacts is one of the best and most effective ways to teleprospect. You can follow up on an email sent, on information they may have requested, or even an event you invited them to. It is a great conversation starter and takes away the cold-calling aspect that so many people dread.

Objection Handling

How many ways can you be told no? What are all of the possible reasons somebody would not want to purchase your product or service? Make a list of these reasons, and then focus on the ones you can turn around. Being one step ahead of the “no” and having a great response to their objection can give you the upper hand and help out a potential customer.

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