7 Ways To Improve SEO With Content Marketing

Posted by Michael Auer on Apr 27, 2020 10:12:37 AM

7 Ways To Improve SEO With Content MarketingAll of the below suggestions will help to increase your websites SEO. While there are many technical aspects to SEO, publishing quality content to your website is the centerpiece of an effective SEO strategy. When most consumers are searching for a product, they will choose from the top 3 suggestions that the search engine produces. The algorithms that these search engines use are very complex, however, there are some simple steps you can take to improve your rankings.

Topic Clusters

Creating pillar pages that contain general information about a broad topic and then linking to and from them with blog articles and premium pieces that go into greater detail is an essential piece in structuring your content for search engines. The focus for search engines has gone from keyword focused to topic focused, and creating clusters will allow search engines to better understand the relevancy and validity of your content.

Blog Articles

Your company blog is the number one way to build SEO, attract visitors and establish your company as a thought leader in your industry. Include keywords that relate to your business to help get found by search engines. Statistics show 16 blogs per month will increase website traffic 3.5 times as opposed to 0-4 posts. Blogs create more searchable website pages for the search engines to crawl through and for prospective clients to find through these search engines.

Calls To Action

Create obvious buttons that will link to more content to lead the prospect through the funnel.  Each page on your website, including your blog articles, should contain a relevant call to action that provides the next steps for interested visitors.

Landing Pages

Landing pages are website pages that offer a piece of premium content in exchange for filling out a form. You’ll need to include social sharing buttons and links to website pages relevant to the content. You’ll want to show the customer where to go next after reading a piece of content. This will create a workflow for your emails that will lead a consumer through the buyer’s journey.

Premium Content

New pieces of premium content should be created on at least a quarterly basis. Ebooks, white papers and case studies that are gated by forms are how you turn your website into a lead generation engine. These pieces should go into greater detail than your blog articles and contain several references and statistics to back up your claims.

Increased Social Presence

Create company Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages.  Join industry related groups on all platforms to promote content. Every blog that you publish should be shared through your social channels. Include fun and engaging posts that will garner more likes, shares and followers. An increased social presence is important for SEO as it will drive website visitors and give the exposure needed to gain quality backlinks. Visual content such as infographics, memes and videos are necessary to create engaging social media profiles.


Establish connections with industry news outlets in order to obtain links to your site from other websites. Blogs and premium content will be necessary in order to give these outlets reason and places to link to your site pages. This is a large part of the Google algorithm for ranking website pages.

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Topics: Digital Marketing, SEO, Inbound Marketing