6 Tips To Increase Your Social Media Following

Posted by Michael Auer on Jun 9, 2021 11:07:23 AM

6 Tips To Increase Your Social Media FollowingEstablishing a social media following takes work but can provide a host of benefits for your B2B business. There is a tremendous amount of value in developing an extensive network of prospects, clients, influencers, and friends. Not only will you find customers within this network, but you will also find evangelists for your brand and even people that simply help you get through your day. Here we look at six tips to increase your social media following.

Publish Consistent Quality Content

Posting at least once or twice a day across each of your social media platforms will make your pages worth following, as long as you’re sharing quality content. The ideal posting frequency will vary depending on the platform you’re posting to and the size of your current audience. Being active is the first step in building your social media following.

Use A Variety Of Different Media

Keeping your social pages fresh with different types of content is essential in building a healthy following. You’ll want to include written blogs, videos, infographics, articles from industry publications, humorous memes, and anything else that will entertain and educate your target audience.

Participate In Discussion Groups

Discussion groups offer an excellent opportunity to interact with thousands of people outside of your current network. Along with sharing your own content, you’ll want to engage with the posts made by other members. Like, share and most importantly, comment on these posts and become a part of the discussion.

Have Your Colleagues Invite Their Connections

Nearly everyone is on social media these days. Having your colleagues invite their connections to like and follow your company pages can help to increase your reach, and by extension, your following. Even if these people aren’t in your target market, there may be people in their extended network that could become customers.

Run A Followers Campaign

Launching a paid advertising campaign to gain followers can be a great way to expand your following in a specific target market. These ads should include valuable content and some kind of message that encourages people to follow your company page. Narrow your audience to your most desired followers and create messaging that speaks directly to them.

Follow And Engage With Prospects And Customers

Following your prospects and engaging with their posts will encourage them to do the same with your personal and company pages. Provide them with valuable insights and content that will help them solve their pain points without expecting a return. Genuinely connecting with your prospects can breed word-of-mouth advertising and help to feed your pipeline for years to come.

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Topics: Digital Marketing, Social Media